Written by Jana
Have you ever thought how disappointing it would be when you die – expecting to see God, go to Heaven and having eternal life but instead you go to hell? How bad would it be if you were convinced that what you believe was true, and it turned out not to be. How upset would you be if your Heaven turns out to be hell?
Considering that 88% of the world’s population are not Christians, that 88% of the world believes in false, dead gods. Thinking that 66 countries are closed to the Gospel, that some people have never heard of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – a lot of people will experience that disappointment. I can only imagine the outcry on judgement day!
During my time in Thailand I’ve come to realise the magnitude of the Tsunami. I’ve realised how many were killed, how many souls lost forever. I’ve realised how many people die every day, some never even having heard of Jesus! Never again able to accept Him, to love Him, to worship Him!
The Bible clearly says that there’s no middle ground, you’re either for God or against Him. If you’re not for Him, you will not receive eternal life. All those
dying without accepting God as their one and only Saviour, without repenting and leading a life for “holy, pure and blameless” for Christ.
The problem is that so, so many people never know this! Someone in your family, your neighbour, the lady who cleans your house every day. In my head I hear them crying out “why didn’t anyone tell me?” I see how they stand in awe of our GREAT GOD and realise what a waste their lives have been. And I know that I have one opportunity, I have now! I can tell them... We should all go out and proclaim our Living God to the nations! We have to...