By Janus Jordaan on Sunday, 01 March 2009
Category: Janus Jordaan

And then there was Egypt...

Today was our first day of wandering around in Cairo, and it was awesome!

We whent to see the pyramids, experienced the markets and we are planning on going for a boat cruise on the nile tonight, and all this with less than R100! Not going into the pyramids though, but we could get to within about 200m of the pyramids.

 We arived in Cairo yesterday, but before that we where spoiled at a desert retreat! It was amazing and the friendly people there treated us like family with large home cooked meals!

With our departure in South Africa we almost had a bit of a hick-up when I stood at the check in counter and remembered that I had a MSR stove gas bottle with me that stil had feul in it. After some time we did get it in Egypt!

It has been quite an adjustment to step into this new world, we where like fish out of water not knowing what we could or couldn't do, and to top it all of, we found that Egypt also had winters, and that we are here while it is stil winter! It was quite a shock, coming from the warm South Africa to the, suposedly terribly warm desert!

Cairo in itself is totally different! The people drive as the want to drive and stop where they want to stop! It is a experience, but I am happy that we are leaving tomorow, the people are very demanding and are always trying to get something from you!

I am looking forward to Dahab, our next stop!

I hope that everyone has a blessed time, and ntil I can find another PC to blog from, 


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