All the people push at once, everyone demanding something else, a cheaper bus, to carry your luggage at a certain price of course, pushing and screaming in French... I'm at the bus station in St Louis, Senegal, and in the midst of the crowds I look down into two big eyes and a small hand asking... begging... begging for money, begging for food, begging for a mom and dad, for shelter, begging for love, begging for a chance to be a child again... The boy in his big blue shirt - or did it only seem big because his body was so small? With his tiny hands he touched my heart, with those big eyes he looked straight into my soul...
Isn't this what I was made for? Didn't Jesus send me for the least of these? My heart is moved and I believe that the dreams in my heart that was only seed until now, will soon break forth out of this African soil... The children of Africa needs parents, homes, love and grace and so much of Jesus. May my life make a difference in lives of these orphans of Africa. Each year 2million more children are orphaned in this continent. Let's pray for answers, for ways in which our lives, my life can be the difference in the life of a boy in blue, a child that beggs and pleads for a chance, for love and life!!
Some of the "enfants de la rue" - children of the street - in Senegal...