Really being tested with patience here...don't you hate it when you type a really long blog or letter and then it just disappears? Well, I do. Pardon the blog, it might sound like I'm a bit edgy...
This is the 2nd blog in the last 5 weeks. Yes I have been lazy. In my defense, we have been traveling like crazy. I mean 30h and 13h train and bus ride crazy..
We have finished India. Some of the fondest memories of the trip so far were created there. At least at the orphanage. This is where I saw God's ultimate provision for His flock, not in material wealth, but in dedication and faith to the highest degree. He has blessed this small community of children and caretakers, that they might be the forerunners of His kingdom. Dedication isn't Sunday church and mid-week Bible study, it is getting up at 05:00 for daily worship. Trust isn't that traffic fine being squashed, it is believing that there will be enough food (i.e rice and watered sauce) for the week. Strange what we need to encounter before our eyes are opened. I saw toddlers loving each other, I saw them smiling and playing without tears ---even though their clothes were torn and some don't even know their parents. These are God's children; the ones who trust Him 100% for their daily large will their treasures in heaven be?
So that part of India was God telling me that my definitions of dedication and worship were skewed to fit into my comfortable lifestyle. And I have an idea that because I know now, things will need to change...
The second part of India was the mountains and teachings on world religions. We saw the most unbelievable scenery, mountains surrounding you 360 degrees...and I saw the worshipping of false gods on a very, very large scale. Whether it is a clothes line full of prayer flags decaying in the wind, or altars on top of the mountains dedicated to manmade gods, it is a sad thing to see. These people too have dedication, but while the children will be rewarded above any expectations, I cannot say what they will receive in return. It is heart breaking.
Before we left India I was so glad. We had to take a 30h (including delays) train ride which I did not look forward to. So much in fact that paying the extra money to take a flight became a very real option. But, what happens? We meet the most amazing people in our compartments. The long train ride suddenly wasn't that sweet the blessings are. I hope that these new friendships will grow in future. Sometimes God uses 30h to get you in the right place, at the right time...
Spiritual Warfare. Very real. Even if your ignorant of the existence of the battle. And once you encounter it, once you take up YOUR place in God's army something changes. Scary, sure. Exciting and fulfilling, you have no idea. This is what India has given me, the realization of my place. Thanks to those who helped with the journey, you know who you are.
Egypt. Dahab. The surroundings are beautiful. The people (men, we seldom see any woman) are another story. I am being tested mercifully with patience and 'love thy neighbor' is something I struggle with constantly. The fact that I am ill also might add to the hard time I have in saying anything good. I have a very long way to go.