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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

This is me...

Wow. I read the blogs of the people I'll be joining on 80days (and the others already on their respective challenges) commitment amazes me , each blog tells a story of not only a journey that has yet to happen...but a journey that has been started quite some time ago ...and after reading all the blogs it makes it difficult to write my own...simply because I feel that I am no different to any person sitting next to me, that I have no "special" story to tell...My reasons for doing 80days have changed so much over the last couple of...
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1 Week...

It has been a crazy week...We are in our fourth country already...  We are masters of Asian public transport --- when we aren't amazed by the country side we sleep at 90 degree angles...  It has been a wonderful journey...horseback around the piramides in Egypt, swimming in Thailand, praying for dinner at 2 am in Kuala Lumpur and on the back of a motor cycle in Cambodia..this is only thew first week of 80 days 2008/09...  God has used this time to build close relationships within the team --- it feels like we know each other for quite a while...
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Good Bye Dahab...Here we come Holy City..

  Dahab (and Egypt) has been taxing in particular. Strangely it was not the country where we traveled the most --- even though Dahab is a 10h mini-van drive away from Cairo... Dahab is a tourist city with tourist-traps (and those who are in the game of "trapping" you) to be found everywhere...But it must be one of the most remarkable landscapes I have ever seen. The desert on your one hand and the bluest waters of the Red Sea on the other is something to behold. There are no white sandy beaches. Pebbles lead into the ocean (icy cold...
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Back in the Real World

Yes the trip has finished. A month ago I got lost in the streest of Jerusalem, gave in English lessons in Cambodia and played cricket in India...It feels like a lifetime ago. How quickly one falls back into routine, suddenly to spend an hour with the Lord is so much effort,  you struggle to keep focused on your purpose in life...and you slip. You even forget about the times you had, the profound revelations He showed you and the promises you made... This past month has ben hard. Not because of the people in my life, but because for an instant...
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The last couple of weeks...

  Really being tested with patience here...don't you hate it when you type a really long blog or letter and then it just disappears? Well, I do. Pardon the blog, it might sound like I'm a bit edgy...  This is the 2nd blog in the last 5 weeks. Yes I have been lazy. In my defense, we have been traveling like crazy. I mean 30h and 13h train and bus ride crazy.. We have finished India. Some of the fondest memories of the trip so far were created there. At least at the orphanage. This is where I saw God's...
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