As I write this I sit in front of a world map and am blown away by how massive our world really is. I dream of places I have never been and people that I have never met; I remember places I have been and people I have met and have grown to love dearly. As I scan the map which is slightly wider than my arm span,  I am confronted with the magnitude of what Jesus asks when He says GO and let every tribe tongue and nation know that I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life!


For I am Only One…


But I am encouraged because I know that one life CAN make a difference. One life submitted to the voice and the heart of THE FATHER can change the course of history. I know this is true because I have read it in the life of Jesus and His disciples and those who have passionately pursued His Kingdom cause at great cost since. I know this because I have met people who are living it as we speak. And contrary to my once romanticized picture of “a life of full time missions”, these wonderful people live very humble down to earth simple lives, no glamour in the way that we may sometimes picture. But because they have entrusted their lives to something bigger, to Someone bigger they joyfully pour out their lives for the people around them. Ordinary people doing ordinary things in an extra ordinary ways and changing lives. Some groups at a time and others one life at a time. All Learning what it means to be faithful in the small things and to do everything in response to their relationship with their Saviour, Creator, Father and Friend. Some are Pastors or youth workers or teachers, some are qualified professionals, some have no degree or official profession, some have run of the mill 8-5 jobs, but ALL are being used by the King to Fulfill His Mandate because they run passionately in pursuit of Him and His will.




It’s because of ordinary individuals such as this that I am encouraged, because it is the ordinary individual who’s life is submitted to Christ that CAN be the Change that they want to see.


Yes I am only one, but I still am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something and because I cannot do everything I will not cease to do that which I can, that Which He calls me to do.


YOU are the way that people will know that Jesus is alive!