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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

I Am Only One

As I write this I sit in front of a world map and am blown away by how massive our world really is. I dream of places I have never been and people that I have never met; I remember places I have been and people I have met and have grown to love dearly. As I scan the map which is slightly wider than my arm span,   I am confronted with the magnitude of what Jesus asks when He says GO and let every tribe tongue and nation know that I AM The Way, The Truth and The...
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The extraordinary in a very ordinary way...

The extraordinary in a very ordinary way...
It has been a while since my journey and my last blog but felt that what God has done has been pressing on my heart to share, the last time i posted i was busy with training the 2012 students, so let retrace a few steps…  I am currently living in the world renown surfing town of Jeffrey’s bay in a house in the ‘coloured community’ of Pellsrus with 3 incredible roomies: Brandon from America, Joy from Worcester and Cornelius from Zambia…I must say that the reactions I get from people when they hear where I live and who I...
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Eu So Livre (we are free)

And now for the play by play...

14 days, 2 days, 20 310 km, 3 airports, 5 time zones, 3 bus trips, 250 kg of luggage (excluding hand luggage), 1 lost bag, 1 free meal in airport, 4 games of ninja, lots of fun and laughter, praise&worship in the most random places, Global Challenge lifestyle:  priceless!  (Well, technically not actually – donations welcome…)


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pink, my favourite colour?the story continues...


More recently i am convinced that the greatest battle you will ever fight is for your FIRST LOVE! The greatest call you will ever answer is the call to RETURN to your creator! The greatest purpose of your existence is for intimacy. You have been saved for GOD! "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." [john 17:3]. What an Awe inspiring God we serve, the King of the universe loves and pursues a creation that's predisposition is to betray and reject HIM! But before you begin to think that this is another one of those pieces that will make you feel guilty about being a human listen to this Story ...

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Yellow is nowhere near mellow!…Hello challenge number one!

Four noble challengers (one handicapped: deaf and dumb to Portuguese), 13 tasks, 20 hours with one goal… to be the best team… oh wait but already are.


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The Tasteful Travellers

The Tasteful Travellers

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (psalm 34:8) 

Our journey began on a Thursday morning.

Our mission: Create an awareness of foreign missions and Global Challenge as an outlet and Link up with Past Participants and parents of current participants and encourage them.What we noticed: God has been equipping and stirring up people to walk out the life of abundance where they have been positioned and He just so happened to allow us to be involved in that process…

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Being prepared to prepare the way!

Being prepared to prepare the way!
  I'm currently in jbay at the end of our third week of training. This is my third time being involved in the process but it feels like a whole new ball game now that I'm leading a team...  The last 4 weeks have felt like a year, not in the sense of time dragging but rather in the exponential growth I have experienced myself and seen in my team. But before I elaborate on that I would like to give u a heads up on logistics so that you can see the full picture.  At the beginning of the...
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Restoring joy...

Restoring joy...

wow so much...not enough time or words... i'm going to theme this one : Restoring the joy of my salvation! and i'm going to start off with an apt piece of literature written by a man who seemed to have a true revelation of the Grace of God: DAVID.

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´Pink is my favourite colour?`

´Pink is my favourite colour?`
Pink... a colour, if you know me, that is definately not in the top 10 for colour choices let alone a colour that i would wear. But for some strange reason God seems to be colouring in my life with a very bright pink and man is He persistent!   This colour appeared in my life in our luke 10 journey during training where i joined the pink team for an incredible faith ride, where we really saw the significance of the colour come out. And now again in Brazil it seems to be everywhere. you see the colour pink...
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FUSA- celebrating new life!

FUSA- celebrating new life!

am currently sitting in Colombia writing this update surrounded by sounds of a river and jungle. We are at a mission base of New Tribe Missions which is on a Finca (farm) on the outskirts of a town called Fusagasuga. What was once a place that was robbed of its life because of guerilla warfare is now a place that is filled with students and families that have all dedicated their lives to the furthering of God's Kingdom in unreached tribes in Colombia.

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