By Stefan Kleyn on Tuesday, 06 September 2011
Category: Nelmari Smit

Long overdue

Wow, i don't even know where to start. The past few months have been a roller coaster of emotions and happenings and blessings...God has been so good to me.

During out time in Hungary ,some of our parents came to visit and my parents were among them. I have been looking forward to this date since May and finally it has arrived! I went to go pick up my parents at the airport and we had a wonderful reunion. It was really great to spend some time with my family and be able to share with them my experiences and testimonies. Thy also had a glimpse of what it is like traveling with Global, and I'm sure that they came out stronger on the other side. It was difficult to say goodbye at the end, but it also motivated me to finish the year. 

Our team really struggled to get visas to go into Bosnia i Hercegovina, and when we finally got them, we were very excited to go to the camps. We arrived in the middle of a children's camp. These children are all part of Missions Without Borders and are either abused at home or not taken care of at all. Even though we were only with them for a few days, they really crept into our hearts. I will never forget their beautiful faces full of hope, searching for Love in any way they can find it. We really tried our best to give it to them and we are continually praying for them and their parents. After the children's camp, there was a youth camp. There were people from 17 different nations. It was crazy! We met and socialized with people from America, Britain, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and many more. It was wonderful to hear their testimonies and share the one thing we had in common: Jesus Christ.  I was also privileged enough to have my birthday at he camp and they really made my day special. It was a day that I would never forget. The people at the camps really crept into my heart and I laughed so much with them and learned so much from them. It was an amazing time.

From there we moved on to Portugal and we spent some time with Ruth, Hans and their son, Samuel (they are missionaries from Switzerland). We went to a national park and stayed in a monastery with the most beautiful view. We fellowshipped with them and had a great time. When our time in Portugal came to a close, it was difficult to say goodbye, but we were also looking very forward to Luke 10 and what God was going to do during that week. 

You can read out Luke 10 blog under Red Team blogs

Thank you for all your prayer and support!

God bless

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