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Life like no Other

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


1 May 2008, KL, Malaysia - Sulene 

I visited Subang Jaya Gospel Centre in KL, Malaysia with the family on Sunday.  This fellowship of believers created a warm, welcoming experience for me and among them, I sensed a lot of what God intended the church to BE.  Church is not about a building or a social club, but it is all about obedience to the great commision of being and making disciples!  Church is being one body with many parts that reflects the glory of God.

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Spectrum of Praise 495

After reflecting on Psalm 27 also today in church (SJGC) and then having bread and wine in remembrance of Him who made it possible for us to enter God's kingdom forever, the words of this song touched me...
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SA Gemeente, London on GCX08

SA Gemeente, London on GCX08
A number of GCX08 participants are from SA Gemeente (Congregation) in London:  Stefan (GC staff), Sulene (Project leader), Hector (Red team leader), Marizy (Lime team leader), Debree (Lime team member), Liza (Blue team member), Mari (Blue team member) and Nina (who was part of GC07 and joined the Lime team during our time in Zambia). We still appreciate the support, prayer and encouragement we receive from SAG a lot.  All of us have been greatly blessed through our involvement in SAG during our time of working in the UK. Something I will always remember with gratitude from SAG, is the fellowship and upliftment I enjoyed in cell groups, camps,...
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Dear Directora Franken

Greetings from a volcanic crater lake in Guatemala. Panajachel, is a small tourist town that sits on the rim of a cauldron lake, "Lake Atitlan". Here is where some of your "global challenge" troops are at this time. I thought you might appreciate a good report on their activities.

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Remembering Emma - West China

Remembering Emma - West China
Some of you might remember how we in 2007 told the story of a young woman, by the name of Emma, in the West of China. We met her during our visit to China last year and was absolutely amazed by her courage, longing heart and strong will to know the TRUTH! I thought it a good idea to prayerfully remind you of Emma's story and the circumstance she faces in the West of China. Have a look at this video - Just Click on the READ MORE link and lets pray for her and other believers in similar circumstances....
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GCEX Road Show Update!

We have travelled the world... and now it is South Africa`s turn!

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!!DESPERATE CRY FOR HELP!! GCX - Southbound is currently serving at Emmanuel Orphanage in India. They have been overwhelmed by the desperate living conditions of those children and have no other choice but to ask you to be part of the solution . Children are currently sleeping 3 – 4 on mattresses that are in terrible condition. The orphanage also has to feed 200 children on less than R0.31 per child / per day.   We have created an emergency account and appeal to you to contribute abundantly to this project. All funds will be paid over as soon as...
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God's girls in India...

God's girls in India...
           Do you remember some of these girls?  These are pictures of some of the girls I met at the orphanage during our time there in 2007. What an amazing privilage and joy it was to see them again this year!!! To see them laugh and sing and dance...  To hear them pray and see how they have grown...  To spen time with them again - building friendship that impacts eternity in both my heart and theirs...  To listen to their joys and fears, their dreams and their tears...  To share LIFE and just to BE and to LOVE...        "MY...
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  Dear friends Where is your faith? Its been some time since our last newsletter, but I would love to share with you some of what Estee and I experienced the past few weeks. I have discovered again that I truly need God in my life, that I am nothing without Him and that through Him all things are possible. Before we knew it, 2009 was on top of us and we were camping with more than 45 students next to the beach in Jeffrey’s Bay. This year we will have two journeys (North Bound and South Bound) travelling around...
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A witness to HUNDREDS...

GCEX in Pretoria Any description I give to the experience I have had these past three weeks will fall short of the glory and honour it should give too our utmost Highest.

What an awesome privilege it is to stand as a witness to the hundreds of young people committing their lives to Jesus in South Africa today.

Every where we visit the same theme stands out...

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