The kingdom of Thailand, a place full of clean streets, lush vegetation, blue skys and friendly people. After being in India and Nepal for the past couple months this place seems like paradise. But after peering a little closer you can see that this beautiful country has a host of its own problems.
Shortly after we arrived here our team split up into two. I was on the team to Takua Pa along with Riaan, Tiaan, Lize-Marie, Robynne, and Dedré. We stayed with a local pastor helping him to renovate and organize his house. Since the tsunami he's worked with countless teams, building and fixing homes for people who lost their homes in 2004. We spent two amazing weeks knocking down walls, painting, cleaning and just being blessed beyond measure by our host. From visiting places like Krabi and Phang Gna bay to being surprised with mango and sticky rice. We may have gotten a bit spoiled here.
But looking back we're just reminded what a privilege it is to serve the Lord. All along our journey we can just see his overwhelming favour and blessing over us.
Please continue to pray for us and Thailand