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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


It must have been quite a sight for the locals to see 9 South Africans and 1 Canadian (Danica’s mom and grandparents had arrived a few days earlier) eagerly scanning the crowd at the IST airport. An even bigger sight must have been seeing us all suddenly push our way to the front to greet 22 parents, grandparents and friends. Slowly we made our way to the train that (after over 10 stops) would take us back to our hotel. Somehow all 36 of us with all our baggage managed to squish onto the train and arrive safely at our...
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Russia part 2

  Ok so in the last couple of weeks in Russia half of the team, aftrer a short break, started their second camp while the rest of us (the same group Danica blogged about) with an Austrailian missionary there headed off to a small village three hours outside of Krasnoyarsk. While we were there we stayed at a church there and worked with the pastor. We did minor renovations to the church (from wallpapering to putting up ceiling tiles), odd jobs around town, teachings and testimonies at night, and a couple of crusades. But our main desire was to speak...
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    This is the blog for the first 2 weeks of Russia. If you wanna hear about the time in the village for the rest of the time, check with Sabra!   For two weeks we were in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Northbound was split up in this time, so it was Riaan, Tiaan, Dedre, Sabra, Robynne and I.  Our contact there is a sweet family from Australia.   We  helped out at an english camp for about 25 kids aged from 6 to 16. Global challengers were in charge of helping the kids learn more english and a sharing time every...
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It's more "pun" in the Philippines

From eating "sea spaghetti", meeting new sisters in Christ, breaking down spiritual strongholds, and seeing hearts changed, the Philippines has been amazing.   After fives days of traveling using over five different kinds of transport and sleeping anywhere we could find, from airports to piers, we finally arrived in the Philippines. When we arrived we were greeted by the short term Philippines team (affectionately nicknamed the Beauty Pageant) who would be working with us with a local pastor. Our minestry was mostly evengelical, which was a new experience for most of us. We would start the day with house visits...
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Indonesia was definitely a highlight for some of us. We met some seriously rad people.  Our schedule was jam packed. Spent the mornings at a christian elementary school teaching English and morning devotions with the classes. And had time with the awesome teachers. Some days we went to public schools and hung out with the Muslim kids too. Basically every evening was spent with the Destiny Generation church people. Like student aged. We had great times of fellowship and worshipping together, praying with everyone. We got to know them like friends, they're so cool.  Cell groups, prayer walks, teaching times. And...
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Ho Chi Minh city-  We attended a bunch of different English classes at coffee shops and places. The Vietnamese people love practising english.  Just shining our lights with love and joy. We also helped out at a rad coffee shop. Working shifts, hangin with the staff. Dedre + Ruan even had the privilege of making some live music a couple of evenings!  Nha Trang -  We spent some time in a village meeting with the elderly, blessing them with some food packs. Was depressing seeing the cute little grannies worshipping their idols, no hope. Noticed the real difference between the...
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    Lize, Marykee, Tiaan, Ryno and i went to Laos together.  Before we started, we received scripture about patiently waiting on the Lord.  Which is exactly what happened.   For 3 days we stayed in a park beside the Mekong River, just sitting and waiting and praying.  But because of our Father’s goodness and faithfulness , the story doesn’t end there.         On the third day things began to happen. Through meeting a guy and helping him fix someone’s air conditioner  in some  house, we were led to find the christians. I never liked  christians so...
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God as your tour guide

God as your tour guide
...The adventure of a lifetime.For those of you who don't know what a Luke 10 is let me quickly explain it. You can read Luke 10:1-9 and that sums it up pretty well, but for those of you who don't have a Bible on hand a Luke 10 is where they send us out without money and limited supplies. What is taken differs from team to team. Our team had just enough money to get to and from Mae Sot with a little left over for buying drinking water, our toothbrushes, a change of clothes, Bible, and a rain jacket.Starting out...
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The kingdom of Thailand

The kingdom of Thailand, a place full of clean streets, lush vegetation, blue skys and friendly people. After being in India and Nepal for the past couple months this place seems like paradise. But after peering a little closer you can see that this beautiful country has a host of its own problems.   Shortly after we arrived here our team split up into two. I was on the team to Takua Pa along with Riaan, Tiaan, Lize-Marie, Robynne, and Dedré. We stayed with a local pastor helping him to renovate and organize his house. Since the tsunami he's worked...
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AWAY WE GO! to Thailand

AWAY WE GO!  to Thailand
 Coming from India to beautiful, green and clean Thailand was nuts.     This is the blog for my half of the team: Marykee, Annami, Ruan, Ryno and I. We went to Phuket.  For the past 2 weeks we’ve been working at painting a local school , while staying in the classroom.  Learning to serve with integrity and unity – just like Jesus. Starting  our days off by the exegesis of  Philippians has been awesome.   Discovering deeper truths about Jesus and who we are in Him.   So good dude* And some evenings we caught a ride to the...
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