Our New Zealand challenge was somewhat of a disaster...as you could clearly see on the scoreboard!! This will be my (Christine's) account as to why it can be classified as disasterous.
At the beginning of the year the orange team started every challenge off with a prayer. We dedicated the whole day to the Lord and ensured that everything we do will bring glory to the Lord.
Due to the fact that we finished last in the India challenge, the team was more concerned about the scoreboard and less about pleasing God.
So here follows the Orange team's fool proof recipe for disaster:
- 5 Very different people
- 1 Very physical challenge
- 5 Different levels of fitness and ability
- 5 Different goals for the challenge
- 5 Different point of views
- Don't pray together or put your focus on God OR ELSE THIS RECIPE WILL FAIL MISERABLY!
Point being that when we as a team shifted our focus away from God, things started going downhill -and I am not even referring to the scoreboard right now! It is not about whether we lose or win (the latter will obviously be preferred!) but about how we approach the challenge presented to us.
May we all remember that whether we are on the mission field, on a challenge or just in our daily routines that in everything we do we ought to bring glory to our Lord through that.