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Sterwend in 'n rooi rok

Sterwend in 'n rooi rok
Dit was die perfekte oggend. Wolke wat die berge omvou, mis oor die meer, die maan amper volrond en die lug wat verkleur van donkerblou na pers en dan saggies wasempienk. 'n Eensame vissersbootjie dobber op die water en riete maak skaam hulle verskyning soos die water liggies terugtrek en opstoot. Die son kom aan die een kant op en aan die ander gaan die maan onder. Vir 'n oomblik gee dag en nag mekaar 'n skuins-soen op die wang van die meer. Sonsopkoms het 'n spesiale betekenis gehad. 'n Deel van 'n liedjie "Dante's Prayer" spook al heel jaar...
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Luke 10 -Day 2

Normal 0 Sorry to say that our second day wasn’t as eventful as the first one. Two of our team members, Marisa and Christine were sick in bed the better part of the afternoon (the rest of the team offered them moral support by also sleeping the afternoon).   The morning we were more productive though…Marisa, Elzet and Paul went to buy breakfast for the team, while Christine and Herman took care of the blog Orange team wanted to post. While buying breakfast Marisa and Elzet (they lost Paul somewhere along the road) met a man who gave them his...
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Luke 10 -Day 3

Luke 10 -Day 3
Normal 0 We took a shuttle bus to the next town, Escuintla.   At the drop off point we sat in the sun and waited…waiting is very hard work if you are not sure what you are waiting for! Marisa and Herman went to call the man from the bakery, but there was no answer.   We tried to catch a lift, but to no avail. Marisa and Herman went in search of the man’s house and the rest of us stayed with the baggage. Eventually a man came and sat down next to us and we started chatting about...
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Luke 10 -Day 5

Normal 0 Today we were in Pajijiapan with the pastor and his wife who took us in.   They took us for breakfast in their restaurant and then Christine did the blog while the rest walked around in town. When they returned they chatted with the pastor and his wife and Elzet and Christine went back to the home to try and do some laundry (not very successful, it started raining when the laundry was on the washing line and did not dry in time by the time we packed again)   We bought bus tickets to our next destination...
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The heart is deceitful above all else

hart.jpgWhile in Zambia, in a brave moment I asked God to show me what my heart really looks like... You see, if you don't know or come to realise just how black your heart is, you won't realise the full extend of your need of a Saviour.
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Luke 10 -Day 4

Luke 10 -Day 4
Normal 0 After breakfast the man dropped us off at a point in the road where the vehicles must drive slower due to lots of speed bumps in the road.   We stood there, in the suffocating heat for a long time, praying and trusting for a lift to the next town.   We got a lift on the back of a pickup truck to Mapa where we were dropped at a t-junction.   After about 20 minutes we got a lift to a small café a few miles on.   We drank a cool drink and tried to hitch...
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Luke 10 -Day 6

Normal 0 We arrived at 8:00 in Oaxaca, very tired and hungry.   We prayed together and split up (some went to look for the cheapest bus tickets to Mexico City, while the rest had to stay with the luggage).   The cheapest bus was at the bus station at the other end of the city and left at 23:00.   We traveled to the other bus station and spent our day waiting in one of their waiting rooms.   Some tried sleeping on the chairs, while others got out their mattresses and tried to make themselves comfortable on the...
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Orange team in New Zealand

  It's been quite a while since we've experienced Western culture, yet it was a refreshing break to spend almost 3 weeks in New Zealand. The first week was set aside to processing what happened in India and have a few days of holiday. During this time we stayed in Algies Bay, just outside of Auckland. Thereafter the team was split up. A group of 6 went to Wellington while those remaining were hosted by various South Africans in Auckland. The Orange team were privileged to stay in Auckland. Here we attended various church services, testifying about God's working in,...
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Luke 10 -Day 7

Normal 0 We arrived quite early (6:00) after a cold night in the bus.   Somehow water got in from the floor of the bus (strange, but true) and soaked some of our hand and day bags.   We sat and tried sleeping in the cold on the bus stop until God gave us further instructions… about 9:00 we got on a train and traveled to a backpackers’ towards the center of town. Between the two trains we had to catch to get to our destination Paul gave us all a VERY big fright by falling down the stairs…crutches and...
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"As a man is, so he sees"

When we first got into mainland, China, I thought “O boy, this is going to be a looong month for me.”  You see just about everything here is some shade of brown or grey (and covered in dust) and that is something that can get you down if you are used to a country abundant in color.

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