This is but 3 words to describe our experience in China or is it one
Since we set out from day 1, we have been blessed with meeting people in the most odd way imaginable. Personally in the first "city" we slept over I met a insurance broker that spoke perfect english and helped me find a internet cafe that I urgently needed.
As orange team we moved on to the next stop (sorry I don't say the name .... security reasons) where our first day was uneventfull yet full of surprises. We mainly prayer walked through the town and ask for yes - just about any connection to the locals. The next day we followed up with the few connection we did make but because of the language barrier the conversation progressed slower than a snail. We finally made a break through when 2 young girls from the local school join in on the conversation and with their broken english we could quickly build a relationship and share the gospil. This opened the doors of the city.
We quickly found out that there is not just a highschool but a preschool a junior school and a vocational school(Colledge). Suddenly every school made an appointment with us and we started to run out of time to visit everyone each day. Most days consisted of breakfast at 8, school + school, lunch, school + school, supper, prayer for the day and building yes MORE relationships. Even one day getting pulled of the street by the police. This was frightening and we quickly got rid of the last track we had. This was however just a false alarm and it was just a passport check. This gave us however a opertunity to build relationships even in the police. The last day that we was in the first city we were planning on visiting each group for about 15-20 minutes just to say good bye and to move on to the next. Our plan was to be finish by about 12 to start packing our bags since we planned on hicking to the next town which was about 40km away. God has a sence of humour and we finished the appointments we made by about 4pm and YES build more relationships. We finished well after 10pm and after a long day we descided to spend a day with God and thanking him for everything he did for us. We ended up leaving a day late but was renewed and ready to the 4 day walk.
This however was not Gods plan but ours. We found out after 2.5 hours of walking that the road we choose was a dead end and the only way to get on track again was to go back to the start. This was a bit demorilizing but we kept our spirits high with some icecream. We descided that loosing all day was not ideal and took a taxi to the place we planned to stay. We setup camp and next day was pretty much the same as the first but we only lost 1 hour of walk not 2.5 hours. This time we descided to try and grab a lift to the next city since our primary task was not to walk but connect with the people. God again has a sence of humour and drooped us of YES at our final destination. Just a big thanks to the man driving us all the way and may the Bible we gave you be a blessing to you and you family.
The new city has its own adventures but that is a story for next time since it is still in the making.
Team Orange out