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What God planned for us in India

What God planned for us in India
So we sadly finished India and moved on to a much deserved rest in London.   But what was our plan and what did God want from us during our time in India. This has been the question on my mind for the few weeks that we spend in India. Most of us had some sort of sickness during the time in India and personally I think it blurred our vision for India and therefore we did not keep our focus on  God and what his plan is for India. We did what we set out to do and with...
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During our last few days in India

During our last few days in India
Well what can I say…   India is a very beautiful place depending which set of sunglasses you use.   The country side where we are spending the last few days is very beautiful with the Himalayas in the back ground. They don’t seem to be covered with snow since the weather does not really justify snow in a 35 degree region. It however is still very cool compared to the 48+ degrees we had in Kota in the middle of India. This is where we did our main ministry in India and where we worked at the orphanage. We...
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Orange China

WOW WOW WOW This is but 3 words to describe our experience in China or is it one Since we set out from day 1, we have been blessed with meeting people in the most odd way imaginable. Personally in the first "city" we slept over I met a insurance broker that spoke perfect english and helped me find a internet cafe that I urgently needed.   As orange team we moved on to the next stop (sorry I don't say the name .... security reasons) where our first day was uneventfull yet full of surprises. We mainly prayer walked through...
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Peru pics

Peru pics
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Getting to the end of Egypt

Getting to the end of Egypt
 Training period is officially over but we still have sessions to just finilize some of the outstanding training. We had some amazing teaching from amazing people and we really felt like we are ready to go out and do the work that we set out to do in the first place. However getting to Egypt (Cairo) was a culture shock since Egypt claims to be first world but the infrastructures in no in place. We really had difficulties with communication and every person wants to sell you something at an enormous rate  I dont have my camera with me t...
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Just Some more pics

Just Some more pics
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quick update on the GCex

quick update on the GCex
From the get going we are busy help where we can. We had our first challenge and it was AWESUM. We spend basically the full day trying the complete the tasks that was given to us. Some of them was very easy like taking a photo here and there but some of them was to go to a different town with limited funds. This basically forced you to catch a lift. We were very lucky in finding someone that took us all the way and getting back was also not a problem. We also had to was some cars and...
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Race Update from Malaysia to Thailand

Race Update from Malaysia to Thailand
 As most of you already know we as south bound had to race from Mlaysia to Thailand. We had to accomplish a bunch of tasks and yes the Orange team arrived first and YES I only say arrived first(Gratz to the pinks). We can second due to some technical issues but hey we moved from third place in the previous race to second and the team spirit was a lot higher and we really enjoyed the race. We as a team really found each other and found out that some people are morning people and others are night people. We...
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Challenge 2.5 in Malaysia

Challenge 2.5 in Malaysia
Yes Yes we had another challenge in Malaysia. It was amazing as usual and really joined forces with the locals to finish the tasks as soon as possible, and when I say locals I really mean locals.   As most of you know me an JohanB was blessed to travel back to Malaysia in order to help the local church community with some IT problems they are experiencing. It came at the right time since we had to be out of Thailand on the third of April and we receive the good news on the 31 st of March. This...
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just some photos

just some photos
 Here are some photos that i have taken. It is going AWESUM and I still enjoy it very much We have another race and including the flight and travel from jerusalem to Cairo = 4 days. Yes 4 days are we were TIRED.  The photos include something from everywhere. Jerusalem, Cairo, Malaysia and Tailand.   Enjoy         Birth place of Jesus below food in Thailand below     
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