PINK TEAM: PJ, Wessel, Luzaan and Vix. We ROCK!!! No, no really, we do!
There was a man of God that spoke a word over our team:"Grace team. Kids team..bunch of kids around team."FUN", magnet that will draw many to God." The coolest thing is most of us in the group are good with Kids (Some of us thought that we might take the year off from children's ministry- But obviously has other plans)
We have already experienced so much of God's grace and favour upon us.In challenges He has blessed and protected us. For example the one night (12pm) we got stuck at a really dangerous truck stop in the outskirts of a location, and God sent a Ploice man accross our path who took us to the highway- from where we were able to get a 4hour lift to the next town, and from there we met an wonderful man( Angelo) who had a house right in the area we needed to go to...we ended having Chicken head's and feet soup with him that evening:) So yeh, we've driven in the back of a police van, slept in a bread van and that was just the begining of our adventures. Keep watching this space to see what the Lord will do!