After spending 3 weeks in Thaliland, we only have one day left in this beautiful country. We are sad tpo leave, but are also looking forward to our next country - China and what God will do there.
The Red team has spent this last wek with Pasto Wasan in Takua Pa. We have helped cleam the garden of the community center and helped Estie give english classes to the chirldren.
We are still busy with the book of Acts and discover new things everyday! We are amazed at how great and marvelous God!
We also had some time to do some site seeing with Pastor Wasan .We took a boat trip to James Bond island and went to a Tsunami Memorial park. It was sad to see all the names of the people that dies there, especially the young children.
During our time in Thailand, we have grown closer as a team and to God. We learned new things about each other and had alot of laughs!
We are also looking forward to reuniting with the Lime team and to share our stories with each other!
Nelmari, Estie, Carmen-Ann, Frikkie, Jonathan and Christopher