After spending 3 weeks in Thaliland, we only have one day left in this beautiful country. We are sad tpo leave, but are also looking forward to our next country - China and what God will do there.
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Participant Blogs
On arrival in Bangok, we received our first challenge...and what a challenge it was! It took the RED team 38 hours to complete, but we finally made it to Phuket.
The race is on! We started on Bangkok airport at 10:00 am Sunday morning...
We had a wonderful week of debrief in Macau!
And since we didn't have any time for a challenge in China, Sulene thought it wise to give the teams the opportunity to get to see Macau's interesting places, in other words ... a challenge!
Proud to announce that the red team was the winners (!), though humbly sharing their first place with the orange team!
Here we are at the lighthouse at the Guia fortress (Elizma's GC shirt has
just been washed when the challenge was announced!)
Red Team Update - 27 March 2008
To put our first week's experiences in China into words is kind of impossible! Let's try anyway! Mondaymorning we were stopped at the borderpost while trying to get over the border from Macau. Hector were one of the two lucky one's who got to get over and sat eating KFC in China while we were surviving on duty-free sweets in no-man's-land! Eight hours and a complete baggage search later, we were allowed to grab our stuff and run over, as our bus was about to leave in a few minutes! Few hours later everyone was settled on the train for our 2 and a half days journey up north.