In 2006 we met a young lady, Jacqueline… she wasn’t able to walk or even stand up on her own. After much prayer we left her, trusting that God will continue his work in her.
This year myself and Kimmy had the opportunity
to revisit her in there humble home outside Arusha-Tanzania. Here is a quote from the email Kimmy sent all her friends after seeing what God has done!!
“It was so AMAZING to go back and see what God has done in the past year. I hope that all of you have the opportunity to visit a place from last year again. The impact that was made is MUCH BIGGER than you think. At least it is MUCH BIGGER than I ever imagined. Quick story. Remember the story of Jacqueline. the little girl who couldn't walk. Lloyd, Stefan and I visited her frequently last year. Well, stefan and I went to visit her and....SHE RAN TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she walks to school now (she couldn't go to school when she couldn't walk). GOD IS SO AMAZING!!!!!!!! It was such a blessing to be able to see that fruit, but it will hopefully be encouraging to all of you to hear the story!!!”
Now isn’t that a testimony of Gods faithfulness!!