By Valerie Joy Dilger on Monday, 09 February 2015
Category: Uncategorized

Thanking food friends

An exciting update from the GLA eco campus construction site!

We would like to give a shout out to the small businesses in Jeffrey's Bay- Beesland Slaghuis, Vyeboom Takeaway, RS Fruit and Veg (Croix Street) and  Mengelmoes Kardoes

We would like to thank them for their generous donation of food items.
As a food supplier to the public they understand the value of providing good food to a working growing population.

Thanks to their generous gesture of sharing, our team of 34 Global Challenge Participants, are being strengthened to carry out some of the outfitting practical work, being done on new Eco campus of Global Leadership Academy (GLA) on the outskirts of Jefferey's Bay.



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