ÂÂ ÂÂ We started Peru off in Iquitos. This is a town in the middle of the Amazon! How did we get there? Well there are no roads to Iquitos only rivers to Iquitos. So your options are boat or plane. We opted to go for a 3 day upriver boat trip from Leticia Colombia.ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â This boat trip was so special! We slept in hammocks had no team activities, the boat cooked for us and sailed us up stream for 3 glorious days. We had our meals served to...
Step out
Follow my journey deeper into the heart of God through serving the nations. We will walk by faith following Jesus every step of the way with joy.
A 24 year old girl has recently discovered after years of living in "poverty" that she won the lottery at the young age of 10. She never checked her bank account to see how much she was actually entitled to. She was living like all the other people around her, according to the standards of her immediate reality. She did not realise that she was actually free from the rules she had made for herself. She was free from a life dictated by checklists that everyone around her was striving for. She had it all along but she just...
An exciting update from the GLA eco campus construction site! We would like to give a shout out to the small businesses in Jeffrey's Bay- Beesland Slaghuis, Vyeboom Takeaway, RS Fruit and Veg (Croix Street) and Mengelmoes Kardoes We would like to thank them for their generous donation of food items. As a food supplier to the public they understand the value of providing good food to a working growing population. Thanks to their generous gesture of sharing, our team of 34 Global Challenge Participants, are being strengthened to carry out some of the outfitting practical work, being done on...
A weekend away with Dad, the Ultimate Trip advisor A surprise weekend away with your dad, of course you are not going to pack a change of clothes, money or your cell phone! You just jump in the car and enjoy what he has planned right? We were sent out on a Luke 10 journey, just like when Jesus sent out 72 disciples to heal the sick, tell people that the kingdom of God is near while staying at a person of peace and accepting their hospitality. At first I was shocked that we were doing this but also excited...
Chile - Dreams come true Surprise Waka waka .. back in 2010 Soccer world cup we watched Uruguay vs Chile. Dressed up in red white and blue we chanted CHI CHI CHI LE LE LE Viva Chile! The dream was born. I wanted to visit the chili shaped country called CHILE! 4 years later deciding which Global Challenge Journey to choose I remembered how much I wanted to go to Chile and so the decision was easy... Hidden Worlds journey to South America. We got the planned itinerary ... No Chile! Not that I could complain with 14 countries jam...
Panama is definately one of my top countries that I wanted to re-visit after last years journey through Latin America. I didn't think I would be able to come back so quickly but wow what a privilege. I can think of many reasons to rush back to Panama; the beautiful rainforrest of Gamboa, staying right on the Panama Canal, sloths, tucans, anteaters and iguanas roaming the streets but the real reason I wanted to go back was for the people of Gamboa Union Church especially Pastor Bill. God did so much in my heart in Panama last year...
You lead me to where my trust is with out borders, literally God lead me for the past 42 days over 7 countries with hardly any money or contacts. God prepared the way so long ago and with an ear to hear His voice. We saw His plans come to life by steping in obedience. God was the plan and there was no plan B. Graham Cooke says - there is absolutely no security in what God is doing... He does life different everyday, speaks in different ways and you can never put Him down to our comfortable 1, 2,...
Just as winter threatened to close in on us we hopped over the equator! Since we began our travels it has been full of adventure and fun. Here are a few of the many "forever moments" I would love to share with you. Forever moments are those moments that you would like to last forever. God giving us the word that we would go up to Christ the Redeemer staue in Rio and then actually going because of miraculous provision! Realising we are not visiting churches but actually going to Copacabana beach and a tour around Rio with pastor Markos.......
If practise makes perfect then it is safe to say I am an ever improving gardener! We have spent a lot of time in gardens, pulling out weeds, clearing rubble and planting new plants. This humbling work has taught me a few things which have so much symbolism to how God is working in my heart and the hearts of the team! It brings so much joy to see the vision of the gardener before we start, there are weeds everywhere, rocks in the wrong place and some plants dominating most of the space. The gardener looks at the garden...
My Journey through Israel and Palestine opened my eyes to many new things. We saw places I have read about all mt life in the bible, I met people from all walks of life. Tasted food and flavour combinations I had never imagined before. I saw old testiment stories pointing toJesus. I gained insight in Judaism and Islam. Most profoundly I experienced God calling me DEEPER, Not only to learn more or new things but to come DEEPER. I have always heard this from other people and many people prayed it over me, but there is nothing like experiencing...