After an amazing time in Belize we were on our way to Mexico city to get our working permits for Canada.
After leaving Belize on a bus crossing the border to continue our journey, we went to the only bus station that have a bus to go to Mexico city... We asked at the ticket station how much it wil cost for 4 guys to get on the bus... The guy said without any show of emotions it is 5000pesos to 4 guys that only have 20 pesos... Well we arrived in Mexico city the next day !!!!
We went to Mexico with no idee were we are going to stay or what we were going to do but we needed to go and God was leading us in the right direction exactly were He wanted us to be.. For it is written" For I supply all your needs"!!!
We met a few people that was part of a church and we stayed with them and they gave us food and just took care of us like a mother takes care of her little boy without letting him out of her sight... I got a new name in Mexico because of what I ate... "SetA tacos" (7 tacos) . The people really blessed us with a lot of food and that was good for us!!!!
Mexico ment a lot for me because it started my healing ministering for me, we prayed for so many people to be healed and they got healed.... I prayed for an old lady that was in the 90ths that could not walk on her own because of her knees and back, her back got healed and while I was holding her knees and praying for her to be healed her knees popped into the right place while I was still holding her knees... She walked alone after that with so much joy on her face and all the Glory goes to God and Him alone!!!
We prayed over a Servet and gave it to the mother of the boy that had cancer and the little boy got healed!!! The little boy was running around and playing outside with his sister!!!
We went one day into the market place of Mexico with posters that said "free hugs", we gave so many people hugs old and young, men and women and just shared the love of Jesus with them!!! Was truly an amazing experience!!!
God just supplied all our needs and so Mexico got to an end and cuba was lying ahead.!!