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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

"The Status" 'Warriors on the verge of breakthrough...'

“ The Status” 'Warriors on the verge of breakthrough...' The confusion of six youthful ambitious young warriors entered a battle field without the comfort of their leader. The older were exposed and the young were confused and manipulated beyond their human understanding falling in a hole so deep overflowing with emotions of the unknown world that lays beyond the walls of desperations for comfort. The call to stand stronger than ever before were on the verge of breakthrough and the time of testing their faith in their training has arrived at their doorstep of their hearts and minds,” will the...
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Run where Jesus Walked!

Run where Jesus Walked!
Run where Jesus walked!   Finally after 3months of waiting for the right time to start my first blog for 2014 the release  came to actually write it. I am super excited for what God is going to do in this blog because in all honestly I really don’t know what to write but I know God has a plan with it. First of I will start with what God has been up to in my life these past 3months.   So for those whom don’t know this is my second journey with this blessed or ganisation and this time...
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The end of an journey and a start of a new one!

The end of an journey and a start of a new one!
The End of one journey and the beginning of a new one!   The journey already started when we were in Canada. God gave us some words and pictures of what is going to happen the next month just to get us excited for what lies ahead!! For that excitement that gets you on the edge of you seat!      We left Canada sad but also with much joy of what are still going to happen and what already took place, we entered Europe with money in our pockets with the plan to buy some bicycles and just to...
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The Russian Chef-Painter...

The Russian Chef-Painter...
Chef your way... With the motive of going into canada of working for some money was not the first thing on our minds, we new that we were going to serve the people their, but we also new we were going for the people!! I got voted for working in the Kitchen the whole summer to become a chef... I got the name the Russian chef, the people i worked with in the kitchen were like my familly and i also got the oppertunity to share the Gosple with them. The month we were in Canada at the Ignite summer...
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New name,, New ministry!!!!

New name,, New ministry!!!!
After an amazing time in Belize we were on our way to Mexico city to get our working permits for Canada.   After leaving Belize on a bus crossing the border to continue our journey, we went to the only bus station that have a bus to go to Mexico city... We asked at the ticket station how much it wil cost for 4 guys to get on the bus... The guy said without any show of emotions it is 5000pesos to 4 guys that only have 20 pesos... Well we arrived in Mexico city the next day !!!!   ...
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The journey by faith...

The journey by faith...
First stop of our journey to the nations to go and spread the word of our saviour Jesus.  Having the time of our live and rebel for Christ what an adventures journey(lifestyle).   Panama city, the first stop to love the people around us and to walk by Faith. Living with pastor Bill in Gamboa Union Church for a week doing some prison ministering and joining ywam (youth with a mission) for a day.    The few days in central America is so far a journey like none other. I truely can't wait for what lies ahead...   Panama is...
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