I’m walking, crawling rather
Broken on my knees
In the valley of the
shadow of death,
Nothing is left, nothing keeps
me going.
I’m ready
The corner of my eye catches
the Lighthouse light that snatches
my attention
Then back again.
The Lighthouse Light-
Shining from behind a hill
A Hill I know so very well
A Hill covered in the blood, sweat, tears
of work.
Covered in the blood of Him.
He that came that one day and
on that Hill He shed is life,
On His knees He stood, broken,
tears streaming paths
in the dust on His torn face
And He begged me.
Begged me!
drink my blood, and
nbsp; eat my flesh
Oh the pain
Yet so much gain
The Hill.
That Hill.
Was it?
It must have been.
Yes, Red Hill.
He died on Red Hill.
And now, now I drag myself.
Only the Lighthouse Light creating enough energy in me.
Drawing me.
I need to see.
What happened after that day?
That day He...
I slide across the rock and
In front of me
The Lighthouse Light
bright and shining
shining, shining
The light penetrating darkness and revealing.... Gasp!
Revealing beauty.
The utmost
And the red is penetrated by green.
Life springing forth
And Him!
O yes, He’s there
He’s on the Hill
But I thought He.... didn&
rsquo;t He?
He died I thought.
Yet there He is, laughing, sitting
Life following in His footsteps
Music on His speech
Love in His touch.
He is here. On Red Hill.
He has risen.
Transformation on the Hill
Beauty instead of pain
Joy instead of tears
Love instead of hate
Red Hill, my Red Hill.
I thought I had lost you
I though I had lost myself
But you, you gave me vision
I thought He
died, but He has risen
Here on this Hill. Red Hill.