By De Necker van Schalkwyk on Monday, 30 May 2011
Category: Work your Way

Thankfull hearts

Today was our last full day here in Phuket and we used it to reflect on some of the events of the past 4 to 5 weeks.  We leave Phuket tomorrow morning early to hitch hike down to the Malaysian border and eventually to Kuala Lumpur from where we are flying to Melbourne, Australia.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we had visitors on Friday.  Lauren, a GCEX family member from the States was among them and during our time of worship, she made me realize again what this was all about.  We got so trapped in the "we need God to provide" mindset, which leads  to faith, but also makes you ask and ask and ask from God.  Lauren on the other hand didn't ask God for a thing, at least not out loud, but she just worshiped and praised Him and glorified His name. 
It's all about the glorification of His name.  His name must be glorified through our mouths, through our actions, though our attitudes and even through our thoughts.  That is what we were made for, to give glory to God and lift His name up high.  We are the creatures, we should worship and praise the Creator.

This revelation led us into just praising God for His faithfulness, provision and protection over the past weeks here in Malaysia and Thailand.  We sang and read from the Bible, prayed and just sat together in His presence.  It was amazing.

The rest of the day was pretty open for what everyone still had to or wanted to do.  Some skyped, some made some downloads, some shopped and some just read.  Reflection was also on the cards and most of us sat down for an hour or two going through our journals and seeing how God worked.  Each member had a different revelation or revelations and each one grew so much.  It was also greatly encouraging to read the prophecies we had for this month and how God was true to His word.

Late afternoon was play time and we played some soccer with Tobi and the children.  All of us are heavily out of shape and the humidity drained all the energy out of our bodies.  It was fun to be able to play though.  What you put in is what you get out... this works in all walks of life.

We booked our train/bus tickets from Melbourne to Canberra tonight and we are very excited to be going to Australia soon.  God has allready promised so much.  Can't wait to see Him in action again.

Thank you for reading and forwarding the blogs.  Tomorrow will be the last one, maybe one more after that.  Enjoy it while it lasts. 

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