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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Our amazing time in turkey has come to an end! But in the cold streets we all left a piece of our hearts. The Lord still run through that country, and no men will ever arise what love has once done. Revival is close again, revival has a name.
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The first experience

So we have finally landed at our first destination! Istanbul! So we are sitting and our accommodation team went to find a place to stay :D they're first challenge seems to be more tough than we thought. But the first experience is unexplainable, you try to talk to the people and try to find out some information and they don't understand you that good and only one thing comes to mind, WHAT A PRIVILEGE. So I give thanks to God for every moment and every moment to come. And so as nightfall came closer we had to find a place to stay...
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First Project

First Project
Good day everyone So my first blog will be about our hard work at the first project that we are busy with. All the guys have blisters after this week! But we do this out of the love of God! This was probably one of the hardest weeks and that was just a small taste of what is lying ahead. This week we also managed to raise some of the money that was needed to complete the project. I was also for the first time on this very high roof that in that moment I also realised that I am...
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India project

The WORK YOUR WAY team is at the moment in the south of India at an orphanage shearing the love of Christ to the kids.

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WYW talking on Canada radio station

Our team is talking in a interview on thursday on a Canada radio station. Thursday 26 April @ 8:10am (2:10pm in South Africa) on UCB Belleville a local magazine is also interviewing us on wednesday 25th
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First challenge for Work your way

Place: London Time: 8am-4pm The Mission Objective: Preach the gospel at a venue. Bring back at least 5 pounds. Budget: 5 pounds Team 1: Hanno, Erns, Dirkie Team 2: Frikkie, Schalk, Ruben Team 1 Hanno, Erns and I went to a map at a bus stop. Just to see what is in the area. We felt God is sending us to the Salvation Army. We went there to see if we can preach to somebody there. It was not open yet, so we had 2hours to walk around in London. We were on our way to Kings Road. We saw...
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Molo Transkei

Molo Transkei
Wow this was great! A week in Coffee bay and a week Canzibe. And then The First Challenge. to get back to J bay. It involved true taxi's, police, pigs and afval. Coffee bay is an amazing place. Beauty beyond believe and full of all kinds of adventure. Work your way build a fence around the school building "Plankie". (The best looking fence in Transkei) We also destroyed a concrete floor and laid a new one.At one stage there was no water. But there is no problem that God cannot solve. Water was always just a prayer away. Oom Gerrie's...
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MAY flies (very quickly)

MAY flies (very quickly)
"But it's my last one..."  Yip, the day has arrived, it is the 31st of May and the last day of our blogging challenge. For us the day started at 5am at Tobi's house.  Everyone packed his belongings and we had some delicious oats to fill us before leaving for the bus station.  We all said our goodbyes and it was a privilege to be able to bless Tobi and his family with a prayer.  We enjoyed our stay tremendously and Welman found  his long lost sister, Pinky... the evidence was in the hair. Welman and Pinky.  Pang looking happy....
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Thankfull hearts

Today was our last full day here in Phuket and we used it to reflect on some of the events of the past 4 to 5 weeks.  We leave Phuket tomorrow morning early to hitch hike down to the Malaysian border and eventually to Kuala Lumpur from where we are flying to Melbourne, Australia. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, we had visitors on Friday.  Lauren, a GCEX family member from the States was among them and during our time of worship, she made me realize again what this was all about.  We got so trapped in the "we need God...
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God's day

God's day
Sunday, the Lord's day.  And what a marvelous day we had.  We didn't go to church or spend heaps of time in the Word, but we did experience God in more ways than one. In the Basson's house where we are residing, Sunday is a day where you can start slowly.  We got up at only 9h00.  Some of the guys watched the Bulls/Cheetas game and then the Man U/ Barca game untill the wee hours of the morning.  The late rise was then a geat blessing to those. Each one had his own quiet time accompanied by the usual coffee. ...
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