When we first arrived in the town called Incahuasi in the Andes mountains of Peru, I had a big struggle to breathe and walk due to the altitude. I felt like I was tired all the time and I found myself wanting to separate from the group, but I didn’t understand why this was happening inside of me. Another part of the struggle was due to southbound joining in work with another group of South African people. Because of this, there were a whole lot of people speaking another language that I could not understand. All these things together were very frustrating. I started to ask God why I was so irritated with my surroundings. God showed me Jeremiah 18:1-6. The part that struck me was verse 6 “can I not do with you as this patter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hands of the potter, so are you in my hand, oh house of Israel.” I prayed about this verse for 3 days. Through this, God started to speak to me and tell me, “If you want to change, you need to surrender your life to me. Surrender is not bad, but it is a good thing. It means that you trust Me.” During this time, God gave me a seven steps: listen, see, walk, speak, pray, character of Christ, and faith. Through these seven steps He helped me go through the Bible and learn how to surrender. Right now, I am still on the second step.
God works in our lives in different forms. Maybe for you it is different steps or different experiences. It might not be easy to admit for yourself because we think we know Jesus and know God. God showed me that I need to start again. Through all these steps I can learn not to live through myself, but instead to live through Him in order to be His disciple. John 8:31-32 says “& hellip;if you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciple… then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
Deus age em nossas vidas em diferentes formas. Talvez para você os passos podem ser diferentes ou diferentes experiências. Pode
não ser fácil de admitir para si mesmo, porque achamos que sabemos muito sobre Jesus e que conhecemos a Deus. Deus me mostrou que eu preciso começar de novo. Ele esta a me ensinar que eu não posso aprender a viver através de mim, mas sim viver por meio dEle, a fim de se eu quero ser Sua discípula. João 8:31-32 diz: "... Se permanecerdes na minha palavra, verdadeiramente sereis meus discípulos ... então você vai saber a verdade ea verdade vos libertará."