By Zylna Olivier on Thursday, 17 July 2008
Category: Zylna Olivier

Getting to know the girls

India was great... well when we weren't in Deli at least.  The Himilayas was a bliss, and thats were we go a challenge as well. We got to plant some rice and I rode on a donkey in a ‘Saari'. Had an amazing view of the mountains basically everyday - but that also had to end. We went back to Delhi and had to chose to stay with Margot. This was when the real challenge started for me!

At the orphanage the kids are great but I'm struggled to connect with them!!! When you get there it only takes you a second or two to see how amazing they are. It felt like ages before I got a couple of their names and just chatting with them - but it happened eventually.

As me and one of the elder girls got some what closer, we found out that her parent(s) wanted her back a couple of hundred miles away... what in the world, Lord? I know I must be happy for her, but is it really the best for her? After all they did rejected her in a way and now she must just go back? It didn't made sense to me but it also did. Going through the mixed emotions... I wonder how she must've felt? God please just bring Your restoration there as only You can. As I prayed that He helped me with the connection with the other girls...

We all missed her and found comfort with each other.  The ones that we're more closed down started to warm up to me... it felt like they saw me as a bigger sister...

We became good friends with each other and they told me more about life and how to live selflessly. I still struggle with it - the way they just live naturally because its the only way they know how to live.

One thing I'll always remember about India and think of when someone mentions orphans are the kids there. Rejected and ‘alone' they know more about praying for you and for me that for themselves. I want to urge you to live like children and especially those orphan children

May God of Heaven and Earth be with you so that you will not doubt and that your eyes will be opened to what He does for you in your life.

God does love you and He shows you that every day!!

Love Zylna

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