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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Friendly faces all around...

We’ve been in China  4 weeks and visited different cities, okay more town like than city like but that’s what made it so interesting!!  Because we went to towns most of the people are astonished by foreigners.  Thus entertaining them is easy, just by walking along the streets and saying ‘knee how’ (this spelling is totally wrong but when you read it aloud the pronunciation is correct) gets you giggles and smiles from all around...
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God's Splendor

gcx_zambia_022.jpgGod is truly amazing! He wants to give you your dreams but you first have to trust Him and say from your heart okay Lord I give you it all.

All my life I’ve wanted to see the Victoria Falls in all its splendor. So no matter how I’ve made plans or worked things out it just never seemed to become a reality. Even as we’ve traveled up to Zambia we’ve had to get a pic at the Vic Falls for our challenge. All the way there we talked about how we ARE going to do it and oh how we’ve dreamed about it. Well at the last moment… guess what? It didn’t happen!

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Dull, dusty and dead... or is it?

img_1494.jpgThe first day we arrived in China I must say I was very negative and thought to myself  'Zylna how in the world are you going to survive 4 weeks in this place?' But knowing God, He had a bigger and better picture in mind which was not visible to me at that time.  China seemed so dull, dusty and all and all just dead, spiritually as well as physically!!
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Giving out of a pure heart

If you can remember in one of the team blogs we told you about the expensive dinner we had with that Chinese boy. Well we paid that with a heart of: ‘Lord this is for your glory and so we sow this into your kingdom’ type of heart and the Lord heard it as He usually does. So I’m about to tell you about what you sow you will reap... in abundance!! Since that day we as the global challenge X group have received so much from the Lord.


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‘Weather’ you want to or not….

We have found lately that storms can come and go in an instance!! While we were still in Macau a Typhoon hit the coast while we were camping on the beach. People came and warn us but we didn’t exactly know what a Typhoon is so why get worried! Besides this time of the year they usually don’t even get Typhoons thus it’s not suppose to go over an nr. 3, but it did.


I’ve realized that’s how things go… you get warned about a storm that’s going to hit your life if it’s in season for it or not.

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A mix of Islanders, South-Africans and some Kiwi’s

In New Zealand our team got split into 2 groups. 6 of us went down to Wellington. I was in the group that went down to Wellington, not just to go and watch the Rugby but also to go do Storm co, a ministry. When we arrived there we had no idea of what lay ahead, but soon found out we were staff along with teenagers! It didn't take us 5minutes to realize that they were bubbling over with joy. Okay well - they didn't just bubble of joy but just cause they can. They giggled and talked and shouted and...
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Getting to know the girls

India was great... well when we weren't in Deli at least.  The Himilayas was a bliss, and thats were we go a challenge as well. We got to plant some rice and I rode on a donkey in a ‘Saari'. Had an amazing view of the mountains basically everyday - but that also had to end. We went back to Delhi and had to chose to stay with Margot. This was when the real challenge started for me! At the orphanage the kids are great but I'm struggled to connect with them!!! When you get there it only takes you a...
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