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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The story of a 20-year old girl: the UNSTOPPABLE God

The story of a 20-year old girl: the UNSTOPPABLE God
A few days ago our team went to the Simon Bolivar Park in Santa Marta, expectant to see God move through our dramas and Fred's testimony. Near to the end of the Broken drama a young girl walked past us and turned back to see what is going on. As she sat down our eyes met for a few seconds and God being so excited with her being there, as if saying "Yes, yes, she's here !!!" Man, God was going to do something big... After our program I immediately felt compelled to go to her and not long afterwards...
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The Living Proof

"Prove to me that your God is not dead!"     The straight forward, nearly aggressive demand of the stranger in the shopping center kept ringing through my ears... Who are you to claim that your god is the only True God, the only Living God?! You have the Bible, I have the Koran, you have faith, I have science. Prove to me that what you believe is the Truth! My insides cringed for a moment, my all too cozy corner of inferiority and self belittlement called out in the sweetest of voices, reminding me of exactly how far my...
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What I have always dreamt of...

I have always wanted to change the world! Ever since I can remember I have had the crazy dream of making history for God. I wanted to make an impact that is bigger than myself. I wanted to have a legacy that doesn't make sense for an average farm girl from Bloemfontein...I wanted to make a lasting difference, play a significant role in this age that I was born into. And at twenty-three I am closer to that than ever before! I get to be a Worlds Changer of future World Changers! Future History Makers! I see men and women...
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