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Conversation with GOD#Vietnam.

I have seen all the War movies. I was not expecting this! And to top it all, we where in Saigon (today known as Ho Chi Minh city), named after the north Vietnamese leader in the war. Saigon was the last stronghold in the War and the capital of the south. But it was not the run down, broken, bankrupt, sad city I was expecting. Except for the country side everything is developed and evolving. I where in an accident during my time in Vietnam, got help from the local hospital. Clean, organized and doctors who can speak English and...
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Kenya...GOD'S people

Hello LORD.   I am here again, amaced by your greate love and grace! Thank you for the wonderfull time in Maasai land.   We went there with the expectation of building a kitchen. But you came and gave us more!!!  Not only did we do good work on the kitchen but we finished a tool shed as well. And all this through your work done through us!! I Love you my GOD.   Every where we go you gave us the apertunety to talk to people, just randome people and fellowship happend.  We went to church with the local...
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Luke 10.

It is clear that we so quickly forget the wonderful presence of the LORD JESUS.   Our busy lives makes us so aware of debt and other first world problems. And then we make all kinds of efforts to rest at JESUS's feet. But nothing makes you so humble, than to leave all behind, especially our plans and back up plans.   To go out with nothing, except faith and only faith. But faith means you look with excitement for a big miracle around every corner. And you are sure of the things not seen. You know... that assurance you...
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life in transit.

Lord today I meet you again.   One and a half day of travel and delayed flights. But stil you meet us.  Thank you for all your work in Kenya, using me as an empty vessel and your glory shines through.  On our way to Egypt; an experience I can't wait for!!   Please continue working and let Your rivers of living waters flow into the world.   To You all the glory and praise. *
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I arrived in Fiji with a big excitement.   It is an excitement placed in me very early this year when our journey started. The island vibe hits you the minute you leave the plane whith the local band welcomes you with a lively island tune.   We got on a two and a half hour drive to labasa. We joined the YWAM base there and we where welcomed with joy. We pitched our tents and settled in. The next day our work started, and we took on our Daly task with joy and fellowship with the students and staff...
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GOD'S Work! !

Where did the LORD called me to be?    This is a question I have been asking for two years! Joined Global Challenge, hoping that all will be revealed. The time so far this year, has been great and very much not so good. But still a time of overwhelming emotional, spiritual and in people skills growth. I always knew that GOD is at work when I am really not comfortable,  or in a real bad mood or just sad! But I never grasped the fact that the Lord, is always busy to make us perfect!    Today and this...
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Australia what a Country.   I can understand why so many of South Africans would consider it a home.   But, more than that we have met the culture of farmers and life stock managers. A family of 11 siblings 8 are still staying with their mother. This is where I have learned more of what selfless living really is, always looking out for others. In this home we started every day with the Psalms and discussion of GOD'S love, grace and power. And even more than that, this family lived it out, the word of GOD. I could not...
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grace of God.

Jip!   So stil in training! God is doung greate things. 35 years old and stil so menny to discover about myself.    I thank the lord for his pations with me.    I think the challenge is more in my emotions than to go out to the nations.  Lord shape me, break me, make me, recreate me. May only you and your holly name be known out there. Thank you for working in me.   Amen.
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Family in Laos.

It is so wonderful when JESUS shows me His love in creative and beautiful ways.    We came to Laos to serve and yet these wonderfull people served us. From day one we where accepted as family. They where always ready with a new blessing. Or as it where, thy spoiled us non stop.    This had me thinking, what did I really do here? Was I really a servant to my new found family? So all I could do, was pray and asked JESUS to do the work and let me see His glory. So I know JESUS did...
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Bangkok! !!!

Dude's. ....   What a country! Caos when you get here, immediately know you are on your one. So much energy and people going fast and going big. You have to adopt to the set pace or full out.    Today we leave for Phuket, thank goodness. The hundreds of kilometres on a bicycle looks more fun than the past two days In Bangkok.    Personal challenges and the visa applications really took it's tall. I am so thankful that JESUS is always in control.    So it is a new day, I am going to stay thankful in JESUS....
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