Participant Blogs
The island of Java for long periods of time enchanted the minds of those in search for the largest commodity of earlier ages...spices. Later on they came here for the good quality tobacco and world renowned coffee. These days, People come here for spiritual enlightenment. It's true...Indonesia has become the new India! Distant islands came here for one reason... to reach the lost and to encourage our fellow family members in Christ! Our journey brought us to the city of Yogyakarta.
Yogyakarta is not a name that will sound familiar to a lot of South Africans and most of our team members have never even heard of it. Well, Yogyakarta (Yogya for short) is the third largest city on the island of Java in Indonesia and is the powerhouse of Javanese and Indonesian heritage, art and culture. And, as it goes this year, we ended up there by the divine guidance of the Lord...
As it goes with all pioneering journeys...we travel without a plan and purely by Faith. A lot of people don’t really grasp how this works or why anyone would want to do something like that. They also don’t really understand why we would go to a country or place without any pre-arranged accommodation etc. Boy, did the authorities in the Cayman Islands NOT understand this concept!! And thus began our adventure on the island of Grand Cayman...