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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

ZaMbIa - ArE YoU ReAdY??


It all started on Wednesday morning on the 7th of March when we saw each other again for the first time after our 8 week training in Jeffrey’s Bay.  We met at OR Tambo International Airport ready for our adventure through Africa.  All except Willy who had to take the bus to Harare, Zimbabwe to, get his Ethiopian visa.  We were all filled with an overwhelming sense of excitement and maybe a bit of “Oh Lord, what am I getting myself into?”  But nevertheless, we went through customs with our bags checked in - an average of 20kg backpacks, a 5kg food bag and a guitar and we realized there is no turning back, this is it!


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Cheers Livingstone...

Upon arrival at our new hosts in Livingstone, we were introduced to our new environment... an Orphanage that hosts 10 orphans. This is where we spent the next 5 days of our time in Livingstone.

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Zambia – Our gateway to the East…

At our next ministry point (a mission base in Northern Zambia) we were fortunate to receive a time of training so to gain a greater understanding of the east in particular the Islamic religion and culture.

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