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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I am currently at Alabanza in Harties.  I have met the group that I will be travelling with for the next 80 days.  There are 10 girls and 6 guys.  There are 3 Americans!! I have been really practicing my English!!
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Still wanting more of Him...

Rice,rice and more rice...rice can be nice but rice with fish in Malaysia is something else,hehe, the boys got beaten by eating too much of the funny food and was man down for 2 days!!  But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!  We are visiting few migrant workers is really terrifying to hear their stories and how their lives were changed while living in Malaysia.  We heard that some of the children need to sell rice for money and the water that they use to dip the rice in is the only water they got, to drink, imagine the taste...
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