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A short testimony of what God is doing in my life, here in India…

A short testimony of what God is doing in my life, here in India…
We are serving at an orphanage in India at the moment. We are teaching the children, and also repainting their school. But while we are serving them, God is building into our own life’s… To each new country I go to, I go with a certain expectation or goal. Not a set plan, or a task driven schedule, but in the quit times that I sit with God. I ask Him for certain things to happen in the different counties we visit. My expectation or goal for India is to give myself unconditionally in any and in all ways. To...
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86 Million orphans in India, a letter to Jesus from one of them

86 Million orphans in India, a letter to Jesus from one of them
We are currently serving at an orphanage in India. We are building into their lives by teaching. And this is a letter that one of my girls wrote on an assignment I gave them. Age 13 Too My Dearest Friend, Jesus, thank You for giving me this good wonderful day to send you a letter. I am so thankful to you. Jesus, why you are my light? Sometimes I can’t understand why you are my light? Now I understand when I read your Holy Scripture in John 8:12 and I come to know that, You are the light of my...
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The Conversations we have with God...

My Beloved Shepherd, My Lord & I

(Part Five)


In my weariness from earthly cares, do I hesitate to answer when the Divine Shepherd knocks at my door, and so turn Him from me?


Hebrews 3:15*Then while it is still called Today, if you would hear His voice and when you hear it, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.

Psalm 95:7-8*For He is our God and we are His people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today,if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts as at Meribah (Contention) and as at Massah (Proof), in the day temptation in the wilderness.

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Guatemala - Panajachel

Guatemala - Panajachel
                          Read wait, look more!...           
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To know Him, and to make Him known!!! (Part Three)

The only difference between you and ... is only My grace!



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To know Him, and to make Him known!!! (Part Two)

Never say to God: I will go anywhere but there?


As you probably could have guessed, the first country God brought me to on GCX?'08(after training in Zambia). CHINA. I have asked Him why?So many times these last few weeks. Now, you can imagine the answers God has been giving me...?

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"The conversations we have with God..."

My Beloved Shepherd, my Lord and I - Songs Of Solomon

(Part One)

You know those conversations we have with God; sitting at His feet, listening at His voice... 

My highlight in China was a conversation I had with God, reflecting upon myself through His eyes, and also reflecting on His Bride, His Body, and His Church through His eyes!!

liza_077.jpg By Liza Kruger

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My Biography

My Biography
I was born on 3 February 1984, Pretoria South Africa. My name is Liza Kruger, and this is my story of how I can testify that God's grace is sufficient for me.  He is all I need. And He is more than enough. Usually people end with the moral of their story, but I want to start with mine. As this is what defines my life. As I look back at my 24 years of life, I can see one thing only, GRACE! I am one of those people who can testify that even though I let go of God, many...
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To know Him and to make Him known!!! (Part One)

Do you love Me? Do you love Me more than... ? Will you follow Me?


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The conversations we have with God...

                    Why, do I then rurn away...?

                                              (Part Four)  


Hosea 2: 19-20*And I will betroth you to Me forever, yes, I will betroth you to me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know – recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate, give heed to, and cherish the Lord.


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