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#1 Macau - The Vegas of the East

margot_067.jpgI can't remember much of the first day in china.& nbsp; We arrived very early the morning in Hong Kong, met up with our contact person, got on a bus, stood in a queue to show our passports as we left Hong Kong, got on a ferry and stood in a queue again to have our passports stamped to enter Macau.  All this standing in queues and getting our passports stamped really confused me.
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#3 Sick in Bed

china_082.jpgSo the yellow team (excluding Margot) had a ball in Town #1.  They took a 30 min bus drive into the desert where they went for camel rides and foefie slides over the Yellow river.  They made good friends with a few locals and went roller skating
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#2 "The Little Town next to the Yellow River"

margot_047.jpgCHINA - Margot Prosch

The bus driver took us back to the town we had come from.  There we got onto another bus that took us to a little town, next to the Yellow River (we do not post the actual names of towns we visited in China.  Hence forward this town will be called "The little town by the Yellow River"). 

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