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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

"40 hours to the Promised Land" WYW Exodus

    Waaaa who would have thought that the first sentence off a blog can take 10 minutes to think of. Neither did I, but I guess I just wanted it to be the right one, but this one will do. Well I will get straight into it. Road to the Promised Land was quite an experience both spiritual and physical and in 40 hours we had a little taste off what took Israelites 40 years.  (Exodus 16:35) Thank God it was hours and not years otherwise I would be writing you this when I would be 60. It all...
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The Freedom to Reject Him

The Freedom to Reject Him
                                       Here is a thought......God is a person who takes immense risks. No doubt the biggest risk He took was when He gave angels and men free will, INCLUDING the freedom to reject Him not just once, but every single day. Auuch. He In some way most of us do everything we can to reduce the element of risk in our lives. I mean look at this, God needs to get the message out to the human race, without which they will...
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WYW Working In Australia...

[video: 400x400] Beeeee beeeee eeeeeeeeee is the usual language that sheep use. I can guarantee you I haven't heard another sound while I was working along side with Darko somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Australia, the motherland of sheep you could say. What a privilege it was, getting up in the morning at 6, driving half an hour to the paddocks unloading this unloading that, fill that , pump that, put that there, get out of there, tag him, run after him... beee beeee after two weeks, we almost sounded like sheep. But there was something more than just working. Seeing sunrise...
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