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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God the provider - Luke10 80Days

Luke 10 testimony - Marco Ras, Hannes Roodt and Reinhardt Foley Location: Guatemala Luke 10:3-4 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road. The night before we left on our Luke10 journeys we drew lots to separate the team into our Luke10 groups. We were the first team to be set out and it came down to us being an only guys team. So the next day me , Hannes and Marco left Guatemala City with the idea of heading East...
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Into the wild!

Work Your Way: Kenya Project   Kenya is a profound land filled with rich culture and diversity. A team of young adventurers risk everything to serve missionaries that have established community development programs.    Andre Brink, known as The White Maasai, has worked and earned his way into the tribal life over the last 14 years with the help of God's provision and favour. One of the community development projects in Maasai-land is a self-sustainable eco campus. The Work Your Way Team will fly on the 4th of March and land in Tanzania, drive down to the South of Kenya...
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