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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


Transkei 2021 What started off as just a far off idea. Maybe even too far to reach. An image very differently painted in my head. "The Transkei". A place I knew I've never set foot on in the physical. A place so unfamiliar to me, none of the conversations with past travelers could've prepared me well enough for. Racing through emotions as we exit the familiar gates of what was now known as home to us, "The Missions House". Somewhat afraid, yet excited for what will be discovered. A month in the Transkei. A time of disconnecting from our familiar...
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My name is Anri, I am 23 years of age and I grew up in the Western Cape, South Africa. I finished my diploma in Event Management in December 2020 and with many uncertainties the past year with our industry being one of the many closed due to Covid the pressure to make a decision for what I was going to do the upcoming year was even greater. I've never had a clear example of what a missionary life looks like, but it was something I believe God made me quite curious about. I also felt a strong sense that...
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