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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God is not a Mzungu

  I learnt many new words while in Zanzibar. Amongst others, one that apparently describes me: "Mzungu". That's the Swahili word for Europeans, though quite derogatory. According to my new friend, Ussi, a venerable Zanzibari wiseman, the name comes from the "mzunguka", meaning "one who comes and goes", which was first used to describe the white explorers of earlier centuries, the likes of Vasco da Gama and David Livingstone. Today, the word is thrown around willy-nilly mostly by dala-dala drivers trying to make an extra couple thousand shillings off unsuspecting tourists who never stay long enough to know better.  Zanzibar,...
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Northbound is going... South!

Our first challenge is upon us: Northbound is going to Cape Town!! After a massively thought-provoking seminar on "the making of a leader" by Floydd McClung over the weekend, we're leaving to the Cape to sort out our Visas for the European leg of our journey. We'll be visiting the Russian and Greek embassies. We trust in the Lord that He will open the right doors for us at the right time! So pray with us for open borders and soft hearts.  “I will go before you  and level the exalted places,  I will break in pieces the doors of...
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Watch this Space!

It's such a privilege to have a small part in Global Challenge Expeditions this year! I cannot express the immensity of my excitement! And we're not even halfway done with training yet!! What?? If you're as eager as I am to find out how God's going to glorify His Name among the nations in 2015, then watch this space!!!
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