From the get going we are busy help where we can. We had our first challenge and it was AWESUM. We spend basically the full day trying the complete the tasks that was given to us. Some of them was very easy like taking a photo here and there but some of them was to go to a different town with limited funds. This basically forced you to catch a lift. We were very lucky in finding someone that took us all the way and getting back was also not a problem. We also had to was some cars and...
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Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Today was my last day at work. Very sad but very exciting in the same breath. As usual there was a lot to take care of and a lot that pop up in the last minute. The time with my fellow workers was only 3 years but it feels like I knew them forever. I hope and pray that they all stay in touch and remember me everytime i write something new on this blog. For those of you that is going through the same thing: Good luck and GOD bless. For those of you that is still thinking and not...