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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

No Longer Slaves

This year has been a journey of victories. One such victory is finally finding my identity in Christ. This sounds quite elemental. And it is; but it is also a huge victory that I celebrate. This journey of identity actually started 3 years ago, when the Father made me aware of my insecurities and fears. As an answer to this problem I tried identifying the lies in my foundations. Because insecurities are in essence lies in our foundations. But it was tiring work. And replacing these lies with Biblical truths proved just as difficult. I was aware of the basis...
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My worth?

As I stood knee deep in the Picific Ocean of Thailand I asked the Father for a new revelation of the cross. God answered in an unexpected way by speaking words of identity and encouragement over me, leading me to write the following: Because of Jesus and not because of me, I make this statement. All of the following is scripture based: I am perfect. I am flawless. I am blameless. I am so beautiful, Jesus has to look away. I have no condemnation anymore, but rather total feedom with no bondages. I can boldly draw near to the King...
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A vessel of power

We spent the past two weeks in Kathmandu, Nepal, mostly serving and encouraging our fellow believers.Tomorrow we are off to New Delhi, India. In Nepal God showed us a part of His power as many people recieved miraculous healing and many unbelievers came to Christ and could experience His power first hand. From driving out demons and laying on hands, to saving people from their suicide attempts, God really used me like never before, making me a vessel of His power. The past two weeks I had many opportunities to preach, in both churches and rural non believing villages. The...
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Building week

Building week
This week we were construction workers under construction. Not only did I make a lasting contribution to the Global Leadership Academy by working on the school building, but God built into my life rather unexpectedly. During the day we worked physically, but it was after hours that God really worked in me. I can say with quite certainty that this week I heard the Holy Spirit's promtings and God's voice more clear than ever. Never have I ever been so excited to get to quiet time, because it was so alive. Through out the week God worked with me from...
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