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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Shepherd of my soul

My foundation was shaken. It already started in China and carried on in Nepal. How we live and react to things that happen to us depends on what we believe about Jesus (i.e. The foundation that was built). Once you allow Jesus to come in to your house and some belief that you have that is not of Him...that belief starts to waver. Do you allow Him to set the truth as the foundation (a truth that is more solid and constant) or do you carry on building on something that is ignorant of Who Jesus is and what He...
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Under construction

I love my home. It is where family is. It is where I grew up and was given grace in the process of growth. It is my safe space and place of rest. It is a place of sharing. Home is more than the walls and the things inside it. It is where adventure and discovery occurs...which brings me great joy. Walking into Global Challenge has given me exactly what I believe to be like home. I've only been here a month but already I have been challenged in my doing and thinking. I learn a lot about Jesus and...
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