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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Emek Barak ( Valley of Blessing)........

Emek Barak ( Valley of Blessing)........
Emek Barak ( Valley of Blessing)........ That was the name of the Campsite in Bosnia I Herzegovina where we helped for 2 weeks at a teenager and youth camp. The Holy Spirit really moved in that place and I believe that ‘Emek Baraka’ was really a blessing for each person who visited the camps. I met so many believers with awesome testimonies of how God changed their lives completely. From being totally into drugs, some being alcoholics and one guy I met were in a mental institute because of drugs. I don’t even want to start with the war and...
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A Gift From God

  Ps 139:5 "You place your hand of blessing om my head" I could write pages and pages about this 4 weeks in this beautiful country that is so close to Gods heart (Thailand). God came and answered so many of my prayers and gave me the opportunity to really spend time with the Thai people. It was so sad to go, but it was also wonderful to see how God is working through the few Christians that there is. Something that not one of us can deny is what Jesus told us so many years ago. "The harvest are many,...
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Israel.....what a blessing.

"He is not here, he has risen." Looking back at Israel, I realized that we have been blessed more than we could ever have dreamt or imagined. We went to Israel only for 1 week, but it is a week that I will never forget. We might think that it is hard to live in South Africa, but we have no idée. Jews and Moslems fight over land and their religions. The capital city Jerusalem is torn between the Jews and the Palestine. In the midst of everything, they miss the only thing that really matters, our Savior that was...
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0 Comments stole my heart!!!! stole my heart!!!!
Col3:15 "And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful." Okay, yes, the pink team did make history!!!!!!! We won our first challenge. I think by now everyone heard how awesome our race from Kuala Lumpoer(Malaysia) to Phukhet(Thailand) was and how God provided for us all the way. A few highlights were riding on elephants, the Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpoer and the amusement park, but most of all the people. The people blessed us so much. They gave us...
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Egypt.............Living a God-seeking lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!

Egypt.............Living a God-seeking lifestyle!!!!!!!!!!!
Mindset.......filled with the Holy Spirit; the hands and feet of Jesus...........walking side by side with the spirit,..the love of Jesus shining through your eyes.............a relationship with my  Saviour..........Submit completely to God..........Obedience..............lying your life down on the altar every morning..........loving your neighbour....Seeking God throughout the day...........Looking with your Spiritual eyes............Reading and studying Gods heart, his words, his Word!!!.......Experiencing the joy of Christ every day............ In this time God has opened my eyes and moulded me to show me just a little bit of his heart for these people that He loves so much. It was a privilege to get to know some...
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   Wow......I cannot begin to describe these first 2 weeks at base camp. As you all know, we started on the 12 th of January (2 weeks ago) with our training here in Jeffrey's Bay. This was ‘n time of introspection.  Of really looking inside and lying it all on the table.   God came and spoke truth into my life and that is the way I want to start this year. It has been a hectic 2 weeks with a very busy schedule. Global challenge is helping at a school in the local community and we cleaned toilets, washed...
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Die vreemde in....

'All my bags are packed, I, ready to go!!!!!.......'Okay 'Bag'. Moes sekerlik weet dat alles nie sou inpas en moes toe maar weggee, uitgooi en ligter maak. Die tyd het aangebreek om al die koebaais te se.  Ek is seker die Isrealiete het so gevoel (my maag draai al heeltemal in die rondte)toe hulle uit Egipte getrek het, maar soos hulle trek die Here ook vooruit om ons te ly en te stuur.  God het my tot nou toe meer geseen as wat ek ooit kon droom. Dankie vir julle ondersteuning en liefde, hetsy deur gebedsondersteuning, emosioneel of finansieel. Dit is 'n voorreg om die vrede van...
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