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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The chronicals of Marton Thailand

Thailand   In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.   I am sitting on a bus travelling through Thailand, it is around  7 am . The sun is just starting to peak out from behind the mountain. Suddenly I realize and become thankful that I am not travelling with random people or friends - this is family travelling together. If I had to look back over the past 2 weeks, from where we left Bangkok with our bicycles, to where we...
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Cycling from Bankok 2 Phuket

Cycling from Bankok 2 Phuket
A wise man I know said: 'The mind can only absorb what the bottom can endure.' After the past week I think my mind can absorb a lot more because this was a time my bottom was tested and it endured. Travelling from Bangkok to Phuket on bicycles approx 900 km, what an amazing challenge! We started of full of energy - in the hectic Bangkok, travelling till about 12 pm at night. Exhausted we found a space to sleep, under a roof for the 8 of us. The next few days we faced everything: bikes breaking down, doing a visa run...
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