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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Logging off.

Urban lights and flashes of nature, though clouded, still persist in my weary mind. Countless thoughts slowly fade. Strange emotions  still feuds for control. Yet new understanding makes home in me as i, make a new home, for my wings clipped, by His will, i am urged, for now, to stay. Names i will forget but the wisdom gained is partly forever and wholly mine. I want to thank all the people and all the places i will never recall. For you were and still are part of God's scheme, to ruin my once lost life. And now in the...
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Chill times...

Had an amazing adventure with Jesus the past ten days in Malasia. God blessed us so much and provided abundently. He gave us so much more than we needed and I know He had an absalute jol every step of the way. Though we stumbled, He kept us in His hand and never forsaked us, just like He promessed. I know God always wants us to trust Him like we did these past days and even more, so I know He will teach me how to live in full dependance of Him in my everyday life. Thank You Jesus. O...
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God's grace.

The world turned upside, not because it changed, because JESUS changed me. Scriptures, prophecies, dreams, direct words from God, these were all part of God's plan to set my soul on fire and make me burn with hunger for more of Him. Thank You Jesus, for none of this was my own doing, but by Your grace alone.  The result of God's plan:  Face down I laid.  Dumbstruck,  flabbergasted and paralysed. Praising God. Silently crying out in desperation. For what God reveled to me, changed my life. For the first time I saw. Before I only heard and knew of...
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With Maasai dust forming in the background and cattlebells sounding onwords Kenya takes its place in our past now a memory set in stone as the Fort of our Savior's Name cast in stone of deep Stil waters and an atmosfere of equal lay behind as we spread wings again pointing to the stars they wait burried an age ago with secrets left.    Learnt so much and changed equaly much. *
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End of training.

End of training.
Training is over.. :( See you all in Johannesburg. Then its time to take on the nations, WOOP!
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