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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
Part 1: IsraelGod has done amazing things in Israel. We arrived on 15 September and will stay until 8 October. I had this desire to arrive in Israel, feeling like a little girl who knows that her father has a lot in mind for her. He wants to spoil her and love her with all He has. As we arrived we did not know what or budget are or even where we are going not even to speak about what we are going to do during our stay. We knew that Israel is a really expensive country therefore we thought we...
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Adventure in Istanbul

Adventure in Istanbul
Once again I realised that God blessed us with accommodation near the tourist attraction sites. Every country. This time we stayed about 300m from the Hagia Sofia. This is really close to The Blue Mosque.During our time here we were completely tourists. Could not go into all the tourist places, but we could go to them and take a photo just to say that we were there. That is my goal if it is not possible to enter. We had amazing times in the Word of God and enjoyed ourselves in presenting scriptures to each other in creative ways. I learned...
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Turkey run and Turkey fun

Turkey run and Turkey fun
21 August – 15 September 2014   Turkey was absolutely a country that I will never forget. We had the privilege to do a pilgrimage of Paul’s journey through Turkey. I can testify about how God protected us and blessed us during this time.   To start with we went to Cappadocia.   Now if you want to experience a beautiful dawn you should go there. We sat on the rocky mountain while watching the sun rise. As the sun rose about 150 hot air balloons rose into the air. What a sight to see.. I just kept on thinking...
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Bosnia and Herzegovina*

Bosnia and Herzegovina*
What a beautiful country! I released this when we drove from the airport in Sarajevo to our accommodation in Mostar. Between the mountains right next to a river I had my very first summer camp. There are a few churches in this area and they have a summer camp this time each year. Actually it is a 3 week camp, but this year it is only one week. The camp dated from Monday 14 July to Saturday 19 July 2014. This is how my journal goes...   Day 1: Have you ever seen the movie Camp Rock? This camp kind...
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Indonesia made me feel welcome from the moment I walked out of the airport. They use some words that we use in Afrikaans, so I felt asif I entered a place like home.   That is really what Indonesia became! Home. If I look at the overall picture, it would seem asif we had the same schedule everyday. Okay, we kinda did, but that was one of the things that made the experience more like what I am use to. In the mornings we went to a school (there were a few, so we switched between them) to share a...
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Challenge accepted

Challenge accepted
I know that God is going to challenge me during this year and I know that I am going to experience a lot of things. India was our first country and there we worked hard and afterwards we would have childrens' ministry. I was not challenged by the heat at all, in fact we had great weather. I was challenge physically because of the long working hours. I got to know God as the One who listens to me... He hears my prayers! Nepal was a time of rest. God spoiled me in many ways and I got to experience...
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He spoiled me...

He spoiled me...
God blew me away in Nepal. On the airport we had to pay $25 per person for our visas. We did not budget for this kind of money. Now, for a team with just enough money to survive in a country, this is not good news. I could see that our team became worried for the whole budget went into our entry of Nepal. I on the other hand got excited to experience how God is going to work as the God who provides... kinda Luke 10 but not officially one. For Nepal we devided into our two teams (I...
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Summary of Training 2014*

Summary of Training 2014*
My Journey began in 2013 as soon as I heard I’m accepted for Global. The biggest Challenge at that time was to trust God to provide finances for me to go on Global in 2014. I had this knowledge in me that God will provide for my family (I have seen it through the years growing up), but for the first time I have to trust Him to provide for ME. I can surely tell you that God is, Yehovah Jirah: The God that provides.  By beginning of January this year I already had more than half of my funds...
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