It is now several months since I knew Im going on the journey. It was a great time. A time where I had to focus on God for provision and a clear mind.
I still need a lot of money in the bank account, but I know it is already paid by God, its just not yet visible for us in the account. All the money on earth belongs to our DAD and He will pour out when He wants to. Thank you Lord that you have already provided for me and my teammates!
A little bit of how the money came in: I am a teacher at Potchefstroom Gimnasium and I had the opportunity to have a stall during Aardklop at our school hall. Janine, from the GC staff came all the way up from J-bay to come and help me. We were so blessed and made R9500!! Its Amazing!!
One of my teammates, which I don't know yet, but soon will, gave me another R5000!! THANX Michelle!
GOD gave me a 'tydelik departementele pos' at the school!!! Its super Amazing!! The department of education sent me a check that is more than my salary at school. that means I have more money to give for Global Challenge. I just want to scream out how Amazing our God is!! He is Jehova Jirre, our provider of everything!! Before we could even ask, He has provided!
I Love YOU Jesus!!
This is the first of many testimonies to come. Keep your eye on this space and remember to keep on praying!!
Be Blessed my friend!