After spending three weeks in Cuba, two weeks in the Cayman Islands and three weeks in Jamaica, we were planning on ending off our time in the Caribbean by spending one last week in the island of Curacao, before we start travelling to the other side of the world for the second leg of our journey through the Pacific. God however surprised us, because He had other better plans for us. God always knows best.
We flew from Jamaica to Curacao and then at the airport they asked us where our Curacao Visas were? We explained to them that we didn't have Curacao, because in South Africa we were told by the embassy that we could enter Curacao with our Schengen Visas, because the Island is under the Dutch/ Netherland's colonies. They just said that there is no way that they could let us in to the country and that we would have to go back to South Africa or back to Jamaica. We explained to them that we can't go to any one of the two, because we are actually on our way to Europe
next because we are travelling for a year.
They said we would have to change our flight tickets with Air Berlin and fly to Germany the next day, instead of only flying the next week. Air Berlin only flies from Curacao to Germany once a week, so we have to be on that flight the next day. They told us to go into Curacao for the day, find a place to sleep for the night and then come back to the airport the next day.
To make a long story short, God provided free accommodation for us; we got to explore the beautiful Island for a day (and found out that it is impossibly, ridiculously expensive) and God got us 9 flight tickets on a flight that we were told is overbooked. Nothing is impossible to God and He really knows best!
We then spend that week in Germany, which was such a blessing.
Finding cheap, affordable accommodation is just one more miracle that God added to our never ending list in our story. We stayed in an apartment with 3 flats.
This we got after hours of travelling to and fro on the train through Dusseldorf, in search of cheap accommodation. We felt so lost and had no idea where God wanted us to go or what plans He had for us. We knew that all that had happened, was for a reason, because after everything that the Lord has done for us so far, we could not doubt Him. We knew that God was up to something and that we would soon stand in awe of why God planned things to work out as they did, but while travelling on the train and not finding answers for hours, stretched our faith. We knew that God was testing us and that the teacher is always quiet during the test, so we just kept praying and trusting and waiting on God.
Then eventually, after many hours of nothing happening, God came through for us. A very well dressed friendly old man approached us in the train and told us that he can help us and that we can stay in his apartment and we can speak about the price.
God definitely send Mr. Volker across our path and blessed us by softening his heart, so that he charged us 1/3 of what he usually asks for his flats. He also blessed us every morning with delicious German bread that he bought at a bakery.
We had a wonderful blessed resting period in Germany.
We celebrated Gerrie's birthday and had wonderful opportunities for site seeing and travelling as tourists for a bit.
We enjoyed all the delicious foods like chocolates, cheeses, yoghurt, cruissonts etc. We had the chance to use internet cafe's to skype and communicate with our friends, family and supporters.
We enjoyed having a break from the very hot climate on the islands. We also had time to reflect on all that God had done so far and to spend time with Him in preparation for the Pacific. We could rest and be physically, emotionally and spiritually recharged and re-energised by God so we could be ready for what lay ahead.
We then flew to Spain where we slept two nights on Madrid airport. We were able to lock our bags in Lockers, so that we could go out and explore the city of Madrid for a day. We had so much fun just spending the day together as a team and some team members had the chance to take the day and spend it alone with God. One of our team members even had the privilege of being able to meet up with his dad, who was in Madrid for business, and spend some time with him. What a blessing! God really knows what you need when and He will give you so much more than you actually need or deserve. He loves spoiling His children. Romans 8:28.
Then we flew from Spain, via Dubai to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia where we spent another night sleeping on the airport. It is really fun to bond on airports as a team. Making food with a kettle (njummy "oats so easy" and "smash") and washing dishes and yourself in the basin. Having people stare at you when you walk around in your pajamas. We don't mind looking silly and living in strange ways. When you are taken out of your comfort, you have to look to God for comfort and when you learn to fully depend on Him, find your identity in Him and make Him your everything, then God becomes your comfort zone and you can have your comfort anywhere, no matter the circumstances. You don't need comfortable situations or surroundings to find your rest, because you can find your rest in God anywhere in the world. Matthew 6:25-34 and Matthew 11:25-28.
Looking back at our time in the Caribbean and while travelling to the other side of the world, we can only fall on our knees before God with songs of praise and thanksgiving in our hearts. Like the song goes:
"What can I say? What can I do? But offer this heart o God, completely to You.
So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all.
And I'll stand, my soul Lord to You surrendered. All I am is Yours!"
We are ready for the second part of our Journey through the Pacific. Hong Kong, ready or not, here we come.
We need Your Support
Please continue praying for us. Pray for energy, strength, obedience, wisdom and understanding. We will be going on our LUKE 10 Journey in Taiwan, so please pray for God's guidance, provision and favour in that also. Pray that He will prepare us for what He wants to do in these 11 days and that He will prepare the way for us and prepare the people's hearts to who He is sending us.
If you would like to contribute and help us by giving some financial support, we would really appreciate it. Here are the banking account details:
Account name: GCX-One Year 9206958383
Branch: 31 Da Gamma road, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, South Africa
Branch code: 334515
Swift Code (for international payments): ABSAZAJJ
Thank You For reading
Distant Islands Team
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