Oh God, how You have blessed us by being able to go to Jamaica and meet some of Your wonderful people! How lovely it was to experience You in the beauty of Jamaica. We as a team will always remember the great time that we spent there and we will never forget all that we have learned from the Jamaicans. Here is a short summary of each team member's Jamaican experience:
[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu7i0HipneU&list=UU3A8KS5f6WFU3zG2OSxVV_A&index=1&feature=plcp 400x300]
Coming from the Cayman Islands to Jamaica, felt like we travelled all the way back to the heart of Africa. I never thought that countries so close together (in distance), can be so different in culture. We were mentally prepared for starting in the "very dangerous" city of Kingston, but being a child of the Almighty God, died and raised in Christ Jesus, I experienced the seeking hearts behind this Patois speaking, dread-lock nation instead. Yah mon! As you'll see from the other team members summaries, we did a lot of kids ministry, visiting many schools and doing a lot of drama's. What a privilege! Seeing our team stepping up and into ministry with more boldness and confidence,
encouraged me a lot. We spent a week in Montego Bay, up on the North Coast, which was my highlight of Jamaica. We were blessed to pitch our tents on the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base and experienced so much of God's provision, yet again. Man, He is a good chef! The view from the mountainside base was breath-taking. I was just overwhelmed by God. I know and proclaim, now more than ever, that Jesus is Lord. It doesn't depend on my feelings. As Watchman Nee says, we never "felt" that Jesus died, but we believe it, because that's what the Bible says. For the same reason you can believe that you died with Christ – because God said so! Rom 6:7 "He that died is freed from sin"! That is the Gospel! Jesus is Lord!
All my life I became anxious when one of two things came my way…a ball or a child. When we received the prophecy that we would be doing lots of children's ministry in Jamaica, I didn't quite know how to feel about it. We arrived in Kingston in an extremely sleep deprived state and found that Jamaica was closer to Africa in physical appearance and culture in more ways than one. As it goes with most prophesies, we had the choice to act upon what was spoken over us, and we did. We decided to jump into the huge pool of children Jamaica has to offer and found that most kids on the island just need the same
things we all need…to hear that they are special and to be loved. We mostly did school devotions with some street feedings and preaching in between, with great success. I truly believe that God has planted some amazing seeds in Jamaica during that time and I trust that He will water and germinate it until I can one day hear of all the fruit that's being harvested on the island. I completely overcame any issues I previously had with children's ministry and I believe that it's part of process God puts all of us through to make us more effective in His Kingdom. Praise God!
strong>Through these last two weeks God slowly showed me what His expectations for us are when He said that we must become like children. It means TRUSTING our father without ceasing, trusting in His provision, trusting that He has a plan in every situation, trusting Him that He will use every situation for the best. It means OBEYING without questioning, because God our father knows best for us. It means BELIEVING without asking questions. It means SHARING with our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. It means LAUGHING, PLAYING, SMILING and having no worries about tomorrow. It even means that you can go to your Dad, sit on His lap, SPEND TIME WITH HIM and tell Him about your day, your feelings your problems and joy.
For me Jamaica started off with the confiscation of my favourite bowl and lightweight cutlery when we went through the security check on the airport. I tried so hard to persuade the security to let me throw away the food and wash my bowl and cutlery so that I can keep it, but they refused. Later Marlene bought me new cutlery and I used a plastic cake cover as my plate. In the end I survived... even though my cutlery didn't match and the rice was always stuck in the corners of my 'plate'. Sometimes things in our lives are not a 100 percent the way we would like it, but we survive. Through Jamaica there was many times that I didn't have things the way I would love it to be.
I was missing home, friends, family and my skateboard. I didn't always get enough time for myself or the amount of food that I am used to and many other small things. Paul said in Philippians 4 verse 10 to 13: "I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." I can really relate to this scripture. I am learning to be content in every situation. I know that God is always looking after me. He is also forming my character through difficult circumstances. May we all stop complaining like the Israelites and thank God for what He has provided us with!
Jamaica! "Yeh Mon" "No Problem Mon" and that's how it is. =) The people are wonderful and full of energy. If they do something – they mean it! These three weeks in the colourful country were so meaningful. We had the privilege of speaking truth to so many young children specifically. We were able to reach schools in the South and the North of Jamaica. Just driving there was already an experience jam packed with adventure. At each ministry point we where able to connect and build relationships with, not
only the children, but also our hosts. We had such a great time getting to know the local community and getting involved in their day to day schedule. Jamaicans are so passionate to see their people get to know Jesus and they will personally disciple them and spend time with them in order to do so. They don’t simply meet together only once a week at church on Sunday. No rather they are part of one another's lives and make a point of fellowship by means of either shopping together at MegaMart or eating dinner together every Friday night at Scotchies (tasty Jerk Chick!!!). Their relationships are genuine and honest! It was really special being a part of this fellowship. – Ash =)
Kinders kinders kinders, kinders wil ons wees (We want to be children).
When thinking of Jamaica I
imagined a colourful island with chilled locals friendly faces and lots of kiddies, and it really exceeded my expectations. I am so thankful for the great experiences God has put on my path. I learnt so much about God's heart for children through kid's ministry. I learnt about God's grace through friends we met at YWAM and the teachers at the People's Church. I experienced the power of the gospel and God as saviour for all through the physically and mentally challenged people at the Golden Age Home. But most of all, I saw obedience and submission to God in the lives of pastor Neville and my fellow team members. I thank God for all the wonderfully inspiring people we met in Jamaica, you guys brought colour and joy to our visit.
Jamaica was wonderful! So far, Jamaica has been my favourite country. The people are interesting, very interesting! We did a lot of children orientated ministry, and I enjoyed it a lot! Children are very fun and it was a privilege to sow into their lives. We received a lot of blessings from the Lord again in Jamaica, I feel so undeserving, and rightfully so. Thank you Lord for the glories of your grace, by which we receive everything we don't deserve !
Jamaica is full of ministry opportunities around every corner, there are lots of false doctrines, like Rastafarians and Jehova's false witnesses and they like to debate and waste time , but I believe everyone deserves to know the full truth even
if you have been led astray and we had the chance to share with some of these individuals ! We had fellowship with some pretty awesome people in Jamaica and I learned a lot from the whole experience. I thank God for the outstanding time we had and everything he did for us!
Wow! Summing Jamaica up in one paragraph seems like an impossible task! I have learned so much and experienced so much on this Island. We have been to so many places and met amazing people everywhere we went. All the people that God sent across our path in Jamaica, has been such a great blessing to us and I thank God for allowing us to meet all of them. I would really love to go back and visit Jamaica
again someday, if it is in God’s will and if He will allow me to do so. I LOVE Jamaica! I Love the people, the children, the country, the nature and beauty, and all the delicious food (especially the fruits, festival, dumplings and the Ting). We got a kettle that we can travel with fore the rest of the year, which I am very excited and happy about! =) I have so many fun and heart warming memories of all the good times and great people in Jamaica, and I will cherish those memories forever! I know that God is going to do great things in Jamaica and I am excited about that! Greater things are yet to come! If I can try and describe my feelings and thoughts about Jamaica in the native tongue/language of Patois, I would like to say: Mi hav no problem mon! Mi jus waan do God work and mi hav no problem comin back to Jamiaca! Mi find it nice. So if ya ask mi: “Wha gwaan?” Mi say: “Ya mon! Mi deyo if God let mi be deyo. God bless Jamaica mon!” Haha! Ya understand mi? Love you holeap
Jamaica! Mi gonna miss ya Mon!
Challenge with us!
As usual we were challenged in many ways, (I guess that’s why they call it Global Challenge Expeditions) but one of the biggest challenges that we were faced with in Jamaica was about appearances and what we wear. We always say that God cares more about what’s on the inside than what is on the outside. But that doesn’t mean that God does not care about what we wear and how we present our bodies to the world. God does care about our appearance, because that is an imitation of what is going on in our hearts and minds. In Genesis it says that we were made in the image of God. If we call ourselves Christians, then we should act as followers of Jesus, meaning that we are ambassadors of Christ on this earth. If you call yourself a Christian, then you are actually saying that you are trying to become more like Christ, which means that you are trying to imitate Jesus to the world. So if we are trying to do this, then we definitely should be concerned about how we dress our bodies, should we not? We call ourselves children of God, but do we dress like people who are a part of the Kingdom of Heaven? Or do we look just like the rest of the world?
In Jamaica we were just once again reminded of how the devil has come and taken something beautiful that God created and twisted it into something disgustingly sinful and gross! The devil uses women’s bodies to tempt men and create lust. Do you realize that if the devil is able to use your body to tempt your brother in Christ, then surely you are not glorifying God with your body, but you are actually sinning by the way that you dress? How can we say this?
Ask yourself: “Are the clothes that I am wearing framing my face or my body?” If it is framing your face, then you are probably glorifying God with your body, but if your clothes are framing your body, then it is sensual and God hates what you are doing! Why do so many girls and women want to look sexy instead of beautiful? The want to look sexy, means that you want a man to notice your body, meaning that the man might lust after it and commit adultery in his heart. –Matthew 5:28. So you want to tempt a man and cause him to sin.
2 Corinthians 5:20-21 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God was making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2Corinthians 6:3 “We put no stumbling-block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited.” – Men are fighting a battle against the temptations of the devil that we as women do not fully understand. The media and society is making the body of a women an object of lust and sin! Women, let us not conform to the sinful ways of this world and then call ourselves children and ambassadors of God in this world. Why would you want to be a stumbling block for your brother in Christ? Respect yourself and respect your God by honouring Him with the Body that He gave you!
Also see Galatians 6:7-8, Ephesians 4:17-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 – Living to please God.
So we'd like to challenge you:
Ladies, think about what you wear and the way that you dress and present your body to the world. And men, encourage the women in your life to dress according to God’s will and God’s standards instead of conforming to the standards of this world. Pray about this and read the Bible. Ask God to give you revelation on this subject, so that you can be certain that you are glorifying God through the way that you dress, and so that you can teach others about what God’s will is in this matter. (Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Ephesians 2:3)
Pray and declare the following over yourself:
“My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus. My members, the parts of my body, are instruments of righteousness, yielded to God for His service. The devil has no power over me, no place in me, no unsettled claims against me. I overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony and I love not my life unto the death. The Lord is for my body and my body is for the Lord.”
We need Your Support
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting us through prayer. The power of prayer is really so much stronger than we think. If we really understood how powerful prayer is, then we would pray without ceasing. Please don't stop praying for us! Pray for our protection against sickness or disease and against any accidents or unfortunate events. Pray for strength and energy so that we will be able to serve God wholeheartedly all the time!
We also need you to please pray for our finances, so that God will provide the money that we need for our journey ahead.
If you would like to contribute and help us by giving some financial support, we would really appreciate it. Here are the banking account details:
Account name: GCX-One Year 9206958383
Branch: 31 Da Gamma road, Jeffreys Bay, 6330, South Africa
Branch code: 334515
Swift Code (for international payments): ABSAZAJJ
Thank you for reading!
"Mi jus waan do God work"
Love you "holeap"! (Which means a whole lot, in Patois)
Distant Islands Team
What a BLOG!!! Thank you, to a wonderful team!Love the photo's!